
Active Member
I have found and purchased an RV6A today, I hope to have it in my hangar at KJDD soon, it is also my hope that it will be as enjoyable as the RV6 I regrettably sold about eight years ago.
Having never flown a castering nose wheel before what am I going to experience that will be different.....Thanks in advance for all the insightful advice...
I flew the RV6 118 hours in the three years I owned it
13.5K TT
Burned lots of jet fuel
Exempt but gladly paid 2021
It's OK. You'll get used to the brake-steering pretty quickly...this is my first experience with a castering nosewheel too. Actually, I think the hardest part is steering it with a tow bar when pushing it back in the hangar. I watch nosewheel pressure closely as too much or too little air encourages shimmying, and I do taxi with the stick all the way back.

ETA: my plane is a -9A. Same concept, but I have a much bigger rudder making the steering a little easier at brisker taxi speeds.