
Well Known Member

Picture taken Memorial Day at the Annual GAGE, OKLAHOMA Fly-In Barbeque. The parents of this cute little girl ask if they could take a picture of their daughter in the seat as the ( Co-Pilot: 'Still Looking For Her') and of course I said YES!!!! I'll let any lady sit, stand in the seat or fly in my -6 :rolleyes: ,,, well just about :p Depends on the weight...LOL :eek:
Picture taken by Joe Schneider an RV builder from Woodward, OK. Thanks Joe for the wonderful Fly-In that you put on at GAGE!!! BTW, to everyone that could not make the GAGE Fly-In,,,, YOU missed out on a wonderful group of people and the Barbeque was awesome!!!!!!
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rv969wf said:
BTW, to everyone that could not make the GAGE Fly-In,,,, YOU missed out on a wonderful group of people and the Barbeque was awesome!!!!!!

A.J., Thanks for the Kind words and thank you for coming. I was fiddling with the camera and just missed getting a good shot of your departure fly-by. :mad:

It was low IFR early in the morning, but being Oklahoma, we knew we had a chance later in the day. The weather Gods came around to our way of thinking and were able to fly 40 to 45 Young Eagles. We fed 170+ people at the noon meal.

Our little EAA Chapter sincerely appreciates all who come in to share stories and lend a hand.

Best of all it all came off safely and I got to meet some very nice and helpful RV builders and owners! :)

I really admire your forsight to "advertise" the fact that the co pilot position is still vacant right there on the side of your airplane!

Capitalism at its very best!...:)

Good luck in your search, I'm confident it will happen one day.

