
Chief Obfuscation Officer
The weather was pleasant here today for a change. It was a cool and a little breezy, but severe clear. I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and open the garage door while I worked away. After about an hour I heard the distinctive sound of multiple airplanes overhead. I peaked out to see Dan Checkoway in his -7, Paul Rosales in his -6A, and a bunch of our locals (non-RVs) coming over in a 6 ship formation. Then a 15-20 minutes later, here they come again, Dan, Paul, a Bonanza and a Cherokee 6. Then one last time (taunting me again), Dan and Paul, assumably on their way home.

I appreciate the motivation... really I do. But 3 times??? That borders on cruel and unusual punishment. ;) :D
Beech Boys

The "Beech Boys" invited us to fly with them today in NorCal. Four Bonanzas and a Lance. I had about 14" of manifold pressure when I was flying wing.

It was interesting, but I much prefer the SoCal RV formations!

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (785 hours)
More interesting

Hi Dan... with a little notice, we can make formation flying more interesting for you.... FIRE!!! ;)


Yea I get that RV Fever also. Something about a RV sounds different than regular planes. Or is that just me. I can almost tell before I seee it.
A 4-banger lycoming with two to four pipes SCREAMS experiemental, totally different sound than the 4-into-1 normal exhausts. And that fact that you can hear that little 200hp lycoming coming by at 170KT's does make it a quite unique sound. Almost as distictive as a AT-6.