
Well Known Member
Gene Littlefield was a friend of mine. For those who don't know him he used to fly the opening of many Oshkosh shows. Gene lost his battle with brain cancer a couple years back. Any way, he said " unless you have one and a half planes worth of parts you aren't building." A decade and a half ago I bought the tail feathers for a 6A from an estate sale. They were already built. Time moved on and Van's reported cracks in the old elevator skins and put out some thicker version. I bought them and built the elevators. I never hung them until a month ago. Well, I found out that prepunched and non prepunched don't like each other! The inner elevator brackets on the HS on one side was out of alignment by 5/32. An email to the mother ship got me a snippy response about "who would mix..." I now started building an -7 tail assembly that I found un-built locally. I have now gone full circle with my project. :( I still hope to get airborne in the next year. Thanks for letting me vent, I was already upset with the glacial speed of the build (life happens) but now I'm back at the aft end of the plane! At least I can easily do the service bulletin now!:)
It must be a RV-6B

I wanted the increased rudder authority since I live near the Windy City. I found the whole 7 HS, VS, Rudder, and Elevators un-built with all the rivets fittings etc and it was about a third of the normal cost. I just finished the HS rear spar and am starting on the front spar. At least I can build in the Service Bulletin easily. Well, back to pounding rivets.
