
Well Known Member
I have been working on my RV-7A for seven and a half years and it is literally within a few weeks of flying. My wife has been terrific in supporting me and the plane during the build. The big unanswered question that remained - was my wife going to like flying in an RV? Since she has never flown in anything smaller than a twin Otter this was a real question.

We both spent the past two days at Pierre Smith's; me for transition training and my wife for her first flight in an RV. Under Pierre's careful and skilful hand the transition training went very smoothly. I also have to thank him for being very gentle with my wife in her first exposure to RV's. Well I thought he was going to be gentle. Toward the end f her flight I heard the unmistakable sound of a wide open O-360 in the distance. You know, the sound of an RV making a high speed inspection pass down the runway to get verification that the gear was down and locked:D

This says it all:
The pleasure was mine.....

...Steve. This had to be one of the more trying times I've had. Look at the sky in Steve's picture. We'd fly for 40 minutes or so, watching the weather visually and on the 496 and fly 'til it started raining....go to the hangar, get wet and put it in for 30 minutes or more, then take it out and repeat...!

Steve and Twaney.....great of everything to y'all.
