
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member

Nothing too visually pretty to report on this flight - Saharan Dust haze and brown grass. But the RV flexibility is what I was hoping to spotlight.

The spousal unit is down in Waco right now - her Mom is having some dental work done and Sue is driving her and tending. She called me halfway in her two hour drive yesterday and said she had forgotten some stuff and was thinking about turning around. This would have added hours to her drive - rush hour traffic DFW, etc.

“No sweat. I’ll fly down there Fri morning and be on the ramp 0730.”

I flew. I delivered. I flew back. Back home on the computer by 0930.

24 seconds to the turn at FUZ below...

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52F -> FUZ -> KACT -> FUZ -> 52F. Pulled up the saved flight plan and turned on the autopilot. This RV turned what would have been a real pain in the @ss into a minor inconvenience.



I was planning on going for a short flight anyway. This way I had an honest to goodness mission! Back at the home field before the afternoon 109*F temps arrived - only 91* when I landed <g>. Wanted to do this early for this very reason.

Later in the day I fiddled around with the GP app and modified the flight plan down to Waco a bit so I’d always have a landing spot on the nose. I'll plug it into the 430W and save it for the next trip - it adds one minute to the flight <g>.

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Love this airplane, and the options it offers.


PS: Pics pulled from my account.
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