
Well Known Member

OK - there was a family wedding involved, but it makes a good story......

Andi and I loaded up for our first big trip out east in the RV to attend her cousin's wedding in the Poconos this weekend. We never thought it would be severe VFR from Minne to nearly NYC for over 3 days, but it was, so we went! Off early Friday to make the welcome party 1000 miles away that night!

This is why we have 20 more years of marriage ahead!

LOP - Learn it, Love it, Use it....

Chicago - Lake Michigan

Toledo - Lake Erie

Put in Bay in Lake Erie - Ahh, Lost weekends of my youth.....

Cleveland - Lake Erie - my home in high school

Pocono Lake Preserve - home of the wedding. Yes, they have their own hydro-electric dam

Entire Pocono Lake - really an amazing sight as the leaves turn

The same place as we snuck out to head home Sunday morning...

5.5 hrs on the way out, 7.1 on the way back. We stopped to have lunch with my mom in South Bend on Friday. Andi was a trooper and did legs of 4.0 and 3.1 on Sunday with the 30 kt headwind.

The people at the wedding that did not think we were crazy, thought it was pretty cool we came all that way in a plane we built ourselves. I had at least 15 people come up to me at the reception to talk about the plane after they found out.(Andi's cousin and her mom told most everyone)

Great weekend with the wife, family and plane. This wedding had 2 beer parties, a softball game and a BBQ. It gets no better......

Fuel cost for the trip = 80 gallons * ave 4.10/gal = $330. Not too shabby!

All the pics here.
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Great pix indeed. What I like to know, what is your secret/camera in taking such great pix?

I just got back from a round trip x-country from CA to GA (nearly 4000 NM round trip) and my pix are an embarrassment to show :(
As the fuel cost goes, I am refusing to add them up
That photo was worth every mile!

Great photos, Pete. I'd like to know how you got such a clear atmosphere. I lived just over one year in the East and I don't think I ever saw anything close to that clarity. Beautiful!

Great photos, Pete. I'd like to know how you got such a clear atmosphere. I lived just over one year in the East and I don't think I ever saw anything close to that clarity. Beautiful!

Hi Louise - I'd love to tell you it was clean living on my part, but the truth is that they just came out of several days of rain. It was cool, crisp, and dry. Viz was 50+ all weekend. Perfect for a wedding.
Canon point and shoot

Great pix indeed. What I like to know, what is your secret/camera in taking such great pix?

I just got back from a round trip x-country from CA to GA (nearly 4000 NM round trip) and my pix are an embarrassment to show :(
As the fuel cost goes, I am refusing to add them up

I've had great luck with a little Canon 610 point and shoot camera. I use the Rebel for other things, but from the cockpit, the 610 works just great.
Flight Following

Just a note on the trip - we used Flight Following the entire way and it was a joy - great controllers, both guys and gals, across the country - and the guy at NY Center was a hoot.

We had smooth handoffs the entire way, except for Chicago, but they picked us up when we called.

The most traffic we saw was around Cleveland - biz jets decending thru 9500 to land. We were expertly kept advised and clear of traffic by CLE Approach.

It is good to have extra eyes watching for you.
Great photos!!

Two weeks ago we flew into ISLIP NY starting at the east end of Long Island after a huge storm. During the 28 years I lived in NY, I never recall such clear weather.

Long Island is amazing from 10k feet. I wish I had your camera.


Those are calendar worthy photographs! Nice write-up and photo shoot as always.


You've done it again. That's absolutely STUNNING photography. Thanks so much for posting it. It's very inspirational for those of us still in the building stage.
Pete - I do believe it is possible you will never again see such color in such clear air if you tried a hundred times. Those are, hands down, the nicest fall color pictures I've ever seen. The lake pictures with fog are award winners. Wow.