Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
So, I am looking at the VAF home page, and there is a link to my Homecomming writeup.

Wow---------this is two for two. (Doug also linked my Bonneville trip on his home page).

Doug, thanks for the recognition, I consider it a big honor that you have done this.

And I got my pic there

All I had to do was hang upside down like a bat and not drool...:)

My pleasure, Mike and Frank! Thank YOU for putting stuff online that I can spotlight.

All you have to do is keep taking pictures like those and I am sure Doug will be putting you on the front page every time. It looked like you could reach out and touch the mountains.


Thanks for the complement.

Truth of the matter is that they were taken with a $39.00 el cheapo from WalMart. Fixed focus and aperture.

Now, if I had Doug's rig, I could take some really good shots, however considering how heavy his setup is, my arm would probably fall off---------