
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well heck, if Don isn't going to start his own thread, then I'll start one for him! N8RV Flies? Holy Smokes! The universe has changed.....

Congratulations Don! (Hope to meet you at OSH this year - seems like I know you already....)

Blatantly stolen from the home page.

Don dude:

You're are hereby kicked out of the procrastinators club...

... but given entry to the RV-8 club. Much better class of people here. Congratulations. Enjoy every second of it. You're going to love flying this machine.

Congrats Don!

I really thought you were going for the record for longest build time. You had what it took to get that record too, if you hadn't given up and finished the thing. Oh well.

Fly safe. Looking forward to shaking your hand at OSH.