
Well Known Member
I know it doesn't sound like much and it isn't in the grand scheme of things it isnt. But after taking the better part of the past 4 years off from building my -14A to tend to some family needs, 27 rivets worth of hearing the sound of the drill and the rivet gun has gone a long ways towards renewing my love of this lifestyle.

I love that this community is so strong and it feels like home to come back to. Anyway, I just had to pipe up and say hi. In this weird time where none of us see each other anymore, it's good to "see" all of you again!
Getting started

The hardest part can be getting started, so 27 rivets may not sound like much, but it's significant in the long run because it got you going!

Even if the first few rivets may not have been perfect (mine weren't) it doesn't take too long to settle into building again.

Enjoy! :D