
Moderator/Tech Counselor
My apologies to all. In a fit of passion I put my 7A on the block.:eek: I have decided to keep it afterall. The boat will wait. I still have some flying missions to complete. My problem is I need to keep my hands busy all the time and I was looking for a new project. I may still start the boat project, but at a slower pace. In the mean time, I'l busy myself with some unfinished things around the house.

It's a women's prerogative to change her mind.:p
For some reason I had to chuckle a bit at your posting. But as you said:
It's a women's prerogative to change her mind.:p

I know it will be a bit OT for here... but if you do the whole "build a boat" thing... give us updates occasionally. I also love the old ChrisCrafts and other classics - and have toyed with the idea as well.

Thanks! - DJ
I will DJ.

I am going to do the nose gear mod, Moose. Even us dumb good pilots recognize an improvement on equipment.
I will DJ.

I am going to do the nose gear mod, Moose. Even us dumb good pilots recognize an improvement on equipment.

I slipped an order in for WD-630-1 this afternoon....$154 plus the time the leg is modified, the SB will cost at least $300.

No one ever said this business would stop the flow of cash or even slow it down.

The SB is CYA necessity after the NTSB report. I'm not convinced it will make much difference.
I'm not totally convinced either, Dave. But if I do sell later, I'm sure the first thing to be asked is "Does it have that dangerous old nosewheel?" I'll keep the old one as a spare in case the new one proves to be worse.

RE:Faith Wins

My apologies to all. In a fit of passion I put my 7A on the block.:eek: I have decided to keep it afterall. The boat will wait. I still have some flying missions to complete. My problem is I need to keep my hands busy all the time and I was looking for a new project. I may still start the boat project, but at a slower pace. In the mean time, I'l busy myself with some unfinished things around the house.

It's a women's prerogative to change her mind.:p


I began my RV7A 9/4/03 with faith.......$$$$$$$$ short/Talent lacking/no family support to speak of/.......but a dream for sure. Bought the practice project and a few tools ....hey this is doable.....bought the emp and said that when it arrives I will buy the wing...IF....the $$$$$$$$$ is available:
So as of 11/10/07 this is the way I built the plane. It is now about 95% DONE WITH ABOUT 95% TO GO!!!!!.

So my point.......start that boat/a little building/fabrication here a few $$$$$$$ there and before you know it it will be done. Just think a beautiful RV7A/classic boat can you say, "FUN". :)

Frank @ SGU RV7A............NDY but there is light at the end of the tunnel:D
BOATS!!!! You gotta be kidding!!! They are super dangerous, they can sink and collide with other boats and don't get me started with explosions on board...stick to aviation....much safer:D
BOATS!!!! You gotta be kidding!!! They are super dangerous, they can sink and collide with other boats and don't get me started with explosions on board...stick to aviation....much safer:D

I agree with Rick. You never know when a fish strike could send your precious vessel to the bottom...