
I'm New Here
A few years ago a family moved in across the street from me and as I saw an air-compressor and a Shop Smith finding a new home in the garage followed by what looked like a pair of wings, I knew this could turn out be fun. When I met Chris (Carguy614) I found out he was in the early stages of building a RV9A, his project drew me in and we have since become great friends, spending countless hours in the garage completing the RV. During the building process Chris took me for my first flight in something smaller than a commercial jet, a rental 172 and when he let me take the controls for that first time I knew I had to learn how to fly.

Today that dream was realized, I made my first Solo flight.

Thank you Chris, for all your support and for helping me have, what I can honestly say, one of the most exciting days of my life.
Congratulations! it is really something else, isn't it! i'm new to the aviation world as well but like so many others have wanted to for years... just now is the time for it.
you are lucky to have someone there to build with and get one for yourself!:)

Those are two events that are burned into my memory. Your first solo is a great accomplishment. Congrats!

The first solo is something very special. My grin was akin to what I can imagine the RV grin is like.
Hey Man, every pilot on the planet made the transition from being a non aviator to being one, congrats! You just joined a very exclusive club and are most welcome.
The best thing about RV building...

is getting to meet great folks, and make new friends. And yes, I am responsible for inflicting the flying and building illness on my friend Paul. It was awesome to see him solo on Sunday,(with 11 knots of wind 20 degrees or so right of his nose) and make 3 perfect landings. He is a natural, and it is clear he will be a capable and alert pilot. His race car building skills are a perfect background for homebuilding, and I can tell you, my RV9A shows off a lot of his skill, especially the awesome plenum he designed and built for the plane. It is a work of art, and I get lots of compliments when the cowl comes off. My DAR said he has never seen anything quite like it. Oh perfect (10 knots!!)
Paul and I are embarking on another RV9 project. We have wings and tail, and a core engine. I hope this one will eventually end up living with him, but the important thing is, we get to spend a bunch of quality time building and flying yet another RV.
Congrats paul...welcome to our world!!!!!


to everyone for the kind words.

Chris, I was going to wash it first, after all it was kinda warm yesterday :rolleyes:or could it have been the excitement
In any case it is still a little moist but I'll be glad to let you have it back as is:eek:

to everyone for the kind words.

Chris, I was going to wash it first, after all it was kinda warm yesterday :rolleyes:or could it have been the excitement
In any case it is still a little moist but I'll be glad to let you have it back as is:eek:

Are you saying that other than a little sweat and dirt this shirt is still intact? You have not been properly initiated the ranks of an aviator! However, your foresight to borrow a shirt is most commendable!;)
No matter how many flight hours and years have passed since ones first solo, it is an event that you never forget. When my instructor hopped out of that old C-150, I thought that he had seen enough of my bufoonery and was going to walk home!:D