
Well Known Member
(walks up...taps microphone...)

Well, I?m back!!!

To make a very long story very short, back in 2013, I sold the RV-7 kit to a gentleman in North Carolina after reaching the conclusion that at my (then) current build rate, I would likely need a four-seater (RV-10?).

Well, after a smooth transaction, the family and I made 3 cross-country moves chasing fun Flight Test jobs around the country and finally settling somewhere in the midwest.

Standing in my large garage (ahem?.airplane factory), I started dreaming about building again. On the exact same day, the gentlemen who bought my kit happened to post a FS: RV-7 thread on VAF. I didn?t really want to start a used kit, so I was thinking of a new set of preview plans, but I thought I?d investigate anyway.

Whoa, that?s my kit!

So, after a few more emails, and after figuring out that he hadn?t worked significantly on the kit, the wife (yes, girlfriend turned into fiance turned into wife) gave the nod and I purchased the kit back.

After months of getting the house sorted out, I flew out to North Carolina, rented a truck, and drove the kit back across the country over two very long days.

Side note: the RV-7 now has 0.1 air time. There was a hidden set of railroad tracks in Kentucky that caught be by surprise. I?m sure the truck was 8 feet in the air. (In reality, I?m sure it was only light on the wheels, but it was enough for me to stop, go in back, and inspect the kit.)

I was surprisingly sparse with the pictures, but I did take a few.

One of the truck with RV-7 kit inside:


One of the tiny storage unit I THOUGHT would hold the wings, but without the wings, because they DIDN?T FIT:


And poorly-taken picture of the wings in the garage.


Also, someone else reserved my N-number when I wasn?t looking.

Immediate actions:
1) Rename the build site.
2) Convince a VAF moderator to change my username.
3) Recommence building.
I had a similar thing happen with my N number. I was not happy about that since I already had the number engraved on my panel. Well no since getting upset about it I can get a new plate made and then rivet it on top to cover the original number. So I reserved a new number. Time passes. Guess what. The original number is available again. I guess I'm a lucky guy. I sent in the new reservation for my original number about a week ago. I'm still holding my breath that I'll be able to get it back.

They don't seem to send notices for renewal on these N number reservations.
Welcome back Andrew! I figured you would jump back in but to do so with your original kit is so cool!
Way to go. I did a similar thing, built my plane, flew it for awhile, sold it, then bought it back. Glad to have it back, only difference was it had 60 more hours on it and a new N number!
This is awesome! Good to see you got your kit back, that will be a neat story for when you get the plane finished!

On a site note, are you still selling the POH templates? I remember asking you about them a year or so ago, but I never pulled the trigger.
Thanks, everyone.

I'm pretty excited to be back. It'll still be quite a long road, but like Bill R says, those rivets don't pound themselves.

Got the website url updated: https://rv7aerosports.com/

Now for the username change. Is that a "straight to DR" request, or can another moderator help? (I know it's not normally accommodated.)