sonny junell

Well Known Member
Ok guys the build is going well enough, however the other day when riveting the elevator skins oops . . . well you can probably figure out what happened, I dinged the skin pretty bad. So now what?

How do I fix it? Bondo :( , micro bubbles :confused:, throw the shizz away and start over :eek:.

But seriously what are my options? I thought I would start here first.
- Can anyone recommend a good reference source, book, video, website - Product!

I know there has probably been a thread just like this started and I am sorry, but I searched the forum and all I came up with was blah, blah, blaaaaa
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I dented my rudder when i was using the c frame dimpler. The fix was some SuperFil from wicks aircraft. Be sure to rough up the surface with some 180 or 220 grit sandpaper before applying it. Use a rubbery foam sanding block until you have the patch job perfectly smooth.
I have no idea how bad "bad" is, but unless you're planning a polished aluminum finish, just plan on fill and sand.

But stay away from the Bondo. There are some better materials - and easier to sand - out there. I used micro balloons and epoxy resin quite a bit. Just make sure you have a good anchor pattern and it's clean before applying.
I dented my rudder when i was using the c frame dimpler. The fix was some SuperFil from wicks aircraft. Be sure to rough up the surface with some 180 or 220 grit sandpaper before applying it. Use a rubbery foam sanding block until you have the patch job perfectly smooth.

This superFil is it a mix that I have to mix up for each application, or do i just spoon it out of the tub, and apply? Will paint be affected by the patch? The point that I am filling I am afraid will tin can and pop the SuperFil, "or any thing else out of the dent" is this some thing to worry about?

I have no idea how bad "bad" is, but unless you're planning a polished aluminum finish, just plan on fill and sand.

But stay away from the Bondo. There are some better materials - and easier to sand - out there. I used micro balloons and epoxy resin quite a bit. Just make sure you have a good anchor pattern and it's clean before applying.

The dent is smaller than a 50 cent peice but looks like hellzz. I know zip about body work. What is an anchor pattern? What is epoxy resin? How do i mix it?

I appreciate yall's help think you I will post pictures as soon as I have time
Sonny, Dude, relax man, have a brew, put your feet up and take a deep breath, smoke em if you got em. I know of very few builders that have not put a dent in the skins here or there. If I were you, knowing what I know, I would have another beer and look forward to the next build project. Worry about the dents, dings, & imperfections, right before you paint.

If you have to buy the 3 gallon size you might be making too many dents though. ;)
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I put several dents in my tail, you'll get over it. Put it aside and build on. By the time you're ready to actually do something about it, you'll have done far worse than this and it will seem trivial, as will the fix for the dents.

Filler and paint hides dents on almost every flying airplane somewhere.

I recommend a good epoxy like AeroPoxy which is mixed 3 to 1 by volumn. You won't need special pumps or a scale. Acft spruce sells a qt kit. You'll need micro-balloons which are mixed into the epoxy. The mixture should be the consistany of sour cream or a little stiffer. Sand the area at least twice the size of the dent. Squeegee on with a plastic bondo spreader from local auto parts store. Let dry over night and sand smooth. It'll feather nicely. I'd use an orbital sander. Any filler you apply will cause the paint to flash, but this is remedied by several coats of primer. Hope this helps.
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We all have done it. I use the 4 B's...take a Break, grab a Beer, go to Bed and the next day use the Bondo! And yes, there are better products to use other than the ol' polyester bondo. Just follow the suggestions stated above. More than likely you are okay, as long as there are no creases or will be good. I was working in a very small shop on my -4 and my bagage sheet metal fell off a shelf and sliced the trailing edge of my elevator...the one WITH the trim tab. That one made me wiz my jeans. I had to modify the last "B" to "grab the checkBook."
Sonny, Dude, relax man, have a brew,

I like the sound of that.

I recommend a good epoxy like AeroPoxy which is mixed 3 to 1 by volumn. You won't need special pumps or a scale. Acft spruce sells a qt kit. You'll need micro-balloons which are mixed into the epoxy. The mixture should be the consistany of sour cream or a little stiffer. Sand the area at least twice the size of the dent.

I will put this one in my archive! Thank you.

We all have done it. I use the 4 B's...take a Break, grab a Beer, go to Bed and the next day use the Bondo! ."

4 B's I like that. Thanks for the info and support. Sorry to hear about your elevator . . . ouch

First of all, it's an airplane. Nobody can see a little dent in the tail at 200mph. If is isn't a manditory repair, most little whoops are corrected and can't be found later. Go have a beer.

The Superfil that Geico266 mentions is outstanding. The small kit will last you your entire airplane and you will still have almost all of it left over. Mix up some the size of a gumball and away you go. Go have a beer.

I like the 4 B's. I might make it 5 since I might want 2 beers.

Suggestion - Learn how to post a picture and then you have a couple thousand building experts that can really help. It also will give you a 10 minute breather when you need it most. I can't tell you how many times I was trying to figure something out, came inside from the shop, got an anwer and started fresh again after a short interruption.

Happy building. What seems major now will seem minor later on.
How bad is it?

If its annoying and visible as in on the top skin of the elevator and not the bottom, it may actually be cheaper to order another skin and replace it. Sure beats sanding mixing epoxy and repairing it.

If its underneath...... who will see it at even circuit height? (sorry in the pattern for you yanky gus:D)

been there

I've got the same 50cent piece size hole on the top of my HS. I've accepted it now and still plan on a polished finished. I figure it is like the football scar you got during the glory days. I will look at it and fondly remember the early building days.
I try to put a piece of scrap carpet pad under where I am working to catch anything I might drop. So far, no serious dents. Dents are probably the only screw up I haven't done.