
Well Known Member
Its a done deal now... No turning back! I faxed over my order form for the fuse kit... and even though my signature, website, and everything else says RV-7A.... you guessed it... I circled RV-7 on the order form. I have not a lick of TW time... never even rode in one! It all came down to this: The TW's look better, and when I flipped my coin, it landed on tails!

Boy, what have I done!! :eek:

Now I have to redesign my website. :(
Then there's no doubt that a tail wheel is truly where your heart lies!

You have simply offered yourself a challenge and after you have struggled and mastered it, you will have earned your sense of pride! :D
I'm doing the same thing...no TW time as of right now, but my heart says TW so thats what I'm doing. I have at least been up in an -8 though to see how it feels draggin that tail.

Dont forget to change your 'signature' too. ;)
I changed mine to a tailwheel after the fuse was done but before firwall forward was started. I had never flown a tailwheel and now have about 80 hours on mine. Best decision I ever made(with a plane that is).
Awesome!! I made the same choice when ordering my fuse...zero TW time then. I'm nearing first flight, and even with a minuscule 20 hours of TW time now (10 in a 7), I'm still REALLY excited, albeit a bit nervous, for first flight!!

I can't imagine you'll ever regret it Daniel!! :cool:
Awesome!! I made the same choice when ordering my fuse...zero TW time then. I'm nearing first flight, and even with a minuscule 20 hours of TW time now (10 in a 7), I'm still REALLY excited, albeit a bit nervous, for first flight!!

I can't imagine you'll ever regret it Daniel!! :cool:

Im waiting for your first flight Chad... I've been watching your progress via your website for quite some time now... you've saved me more times than you'll ever know! :D

Keep up the hard work! :)
7 - 7a

I'm building a 7a, but I think the 7 looks cooler! The long and short of it is...
they're both 7's and both sooooooo cool! (as we all know):D
All the best with your build, Dan.
I admire a guy whose up for a challenge!

I have not a lick of TW time... never even rode in one! It all came down to this: The TW's look better, and when I flipped my coin, it landed on tails!

Boy, what have I done!! :eek:

I hereby predict that you will love it. Lighter, faster, better looking, and a pussy cat on the ground! What more could you ask for!
Don't ever look back! It's all about the challenge anyway isn't it?

You'll get 40 hours on the -7 and just chuckle when you think back to the day you thought it would be too tough to fly the taildragger.
Don't ever look back! It's all about the challenge anyway isn't it?

You'll get 40 hours on the -7 and just chuckle when you think back to the day you thought it would be too tough to fly the taildragger.

I always heard that the RV's were not challanging enough as tail draggers, so I stuck it on the front, just so it could get off the ground quicker!... :D

Did my tail dragging with the Pitts S2B & Maule....

L.Adamson --- RV6A
You picked what you wanted and you'll not regret it.
7 or 7A they are both terrific airplanes. It has a propellor, it matters not where the third wheel is.

Great choice
That is great!

Good for you to build the plane you want!

Not to worry, 10 hours of dual and a few more hours past that and you will wonder what the big deal was.
I want a P-51D....


LA, Years ago I read a story about a guy who found the remains of a P-51A in AK while on a hiking trip. The picture showed no piece higher than his knee.

He trucked the wreckage home and spent seven years rebuilding (building) it. He located an Allison engine for it and flies it. Heck, it even ran at Reno.

The reason I remember the story was that he talked about how he spent EVERY minute in his shop. Christmas morning the kids opened their gifts and when that was done, out in the shop. Thanksgiving, he finished eating and went to the shop.

Here is the link.

I do not know if this is the same P-51A that crashed at OSH a few years back or not. I sure hope not.

The moral of the story is, if you want a P-51D, start pounding rivets.
LA, Years ago I read a story about a guy who found the remains of a P-51A in AK while on a hiking trip. The picture showed no piece higher than his knee.

He trucked the wreckage home and spent seven years rebuilding (building) it. He located an Allison engine for it and flies it. Heck, it even ran at Reno.

The reason I remember the story was that he talked about how he spent EVERY minute in his shop. Christmas morning the kids opened their gifts and when that was done, out in the shop. Thanksgiving, he finished eating and went to the shop.

Here is the link.

I do not know if this is the same P-51A that crashed at OSH a few years back or not. I sure hope not.

The moral of the story is, if you want a P-51D, start pounding rivets.

A friend of mine owned one. After he passed away, it was sold to someone who owns three more. Due to a mishap, it was virtually destroyed, although the pilot escaped with a few scratches. Other than one landing gear, it wasn't much to look at, as it layed on it's side, and the engine was off in the distance. Now, after three years or so, I hear it's flying again..........or at least that little FAA required plate on the side, is....

All it takes......is "more" than a few bucks.... :)

I'm at least happy that I was able to fly in it, way back when. They are my favorite!

L.Adamson --- RV6A with invasion stripes ( I have to call it a one engine P-38 or stand in front of the nosedragger for photo ops....)
The P51A that crashed at OSH with the P51D while landing a couple years back was not the one in the link, it was actually a homebuilt. It was built using the plans for a P51, but scratch built.

The Pilot was Gerry Beck, From Tri State Aviation in Wahpeton, North Dakota.

Way to go on the Taildragger, you won't regret it!!
Boy, what have I done!! :eek:

You done good, that's what you done! (OK, a bit biased, but you will love it!) Then again NG or TW, just great airplanes. Approach TW flying the way you approach RV flying, and the location of the little wheel becomes a non-issue. Go for it and have fun!

It has a propellor, it matters not where the third wheel is.

Great choice

Well said!!

I want a P-51D....


John here at Stead has a Thunder 'Stang in his hangar ready to go. $675K and its all yours! ;)

Now that we've found you a Mustang, can you help me find a Hellcat to rebuild!?!? (Oh yeah, and a sugar mama to fund it!) :rolleyes:

Did the same thing.....Worked out fine. I would not have it any other way.

My TW mentor always told me that taildraggers are hours and hours of fun and with a few moments of shear terror mixed in....:D (gotta keep the myth going you know)
We have 3 RV's based at our little grass strip. The other 2 have the training wheel...err...I mean nosewheel.;) I've put both guys in the left seat of my -6 and they were amazed at how docile it handles on takeoffs and landings. I'm not saying you can't get in trouble in them, but as far as tailwheel aircraft go, they are very honest for ground handling.
We have 3 RV's based at our little grass strip. The other 2 have the training wheel...err...I mean nosewheel.;)

I'm not sure that everyone knows what the nosewheel is really for ... :)

It's not for training purposes! It's to get that *** end up, so that you can see over the nose, and not hit things that aren't easily seen...

The taildragger I use to fly ..........wacked something & tore it up pretty good. And a RV on this forum whacked something too. It's been in a rebuild for quite a while.

After a long history of whacking things, and limited visibility.... someone got the bright idea & placed the nosewheel up front, to eliminate S-turning, climbing up hill to get into your seat, and the constant hope that some object isn't in the "blind" spot straight ahead. The fact that it also worked much better in heavy cross winds.......didn't hurt either... :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I'm not sure that everyone knows what the nosewheel is really for ... :)

It's not for training purposes! It's to get that *** end up, so that you can see over the nose, and not hit things that aren't easily seen...

The taildragger I use to fly ..........wacked something & tore it up pretty good. And a RV on this forum whacked something too. It's been in a rebuild for quite a while.

After a long history of whacking things, and limited visibility.... someone got the bright idea & placed the nosewheel up front, to eliminate S-turning, climbing up hill to get into your seat, and the constant hope that some object isn't in the "blind" spot straight ahead. The fact that it also worked much better in heavy cross winds.......didn't hurt either... :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Let me try my hand at being in the tailwheel club...

The nose wheels were designed to catch on anything you do or dont see... the increased ground visibility is merely a front seat to the show... and the end result is an up close and personal encounter with whatever you caught... :D I'll leave being inverted for those times that im in the air, not on the ground!

How'd I do guys? lol! This is kinda fun! :D
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I always heard that the RV's were not challanging enough as tail draggers, so I stuck it on the front, just so it could get off the ground quicker!... :D

Did my tail dragging with the Pitts S2B & Maule....

L.Adamson --- RV6A

I have to say... I rewrote the last part of my sentence there as not to say anything negative about A model RVs simply because I knew you would be posting something sooner or later.

I have to say man, it's like a broken record. I hear the noise but there is nothing I can do but move on to the next album.
Daniel.. I did the same as you.. started the project as a 7A.. ordered a 7 fuselage without any TW experience...

I'm taking some TW endorsement on a PA-18 ..well.. my landings after less then 2 hours are really BAD but... I WANT A TW! :p
Thanks for all the comments guys, Im looking forward to the challenge. :) Now all I have to do is try not to finish the wings before the fuse gets here... which means I will have alot of light duty days!
Let me try my hand at being in the tailwheel club...

The tail wheels were designed to catch on anything you do or dont see... the increased ground visibility is merely a front seat to the show... and the end result is an up close and personal encounter with whatever you caught... :D I'll leave being inverted for those times that im in the air, not on the ground!

How'd I do guys? lol! This is kinda fun! :D

Did you mean "The nose wheels were designed to catch..."??

I know you're new to the tail wheel club, but you may need some more time before you can adequately rank on us nose wheel guys.:D:D
Did you mean "The nose wheels were designed to catch..."??

I know you're new to the tail wheel club, but you may need some more time before you can adequately rank on us nose wheel guys.:D:D

ack! Fixed. :D I'll shut up and go back to work now. :eek:

I remember the feeling when I ordered my Fuse kit as a TW. I also remember unpacking the tail wheel and just looking at it for a minute before continuing on. I still don't have any TW time, but I'm hoping to fix that this summer. :D

My reasons for the TW were.
1) Looks
2) weight
3) nose wheel RV problems

I know the tail wheel has problems of its own, but the way I see it is more people have a problem with the nose wheel in grass than anybody has problems with the tail wheel. and yes I do plan on flying into some grass strips.
I have to say... I rewrote the last part of my sentence there as not to say anything negative about A model RVs simply because I knew you would be posting something sooner or later.

I have to say man, it's like a broken record. I hear the noise but there is nothing I can do but move on to the next album.

Well, you know how it is....

I'm starting to feel like the alternative engine guys.. (need a tear in my eye "smiley") .. :)

L.Adamson -- Just RV
You won't have any reqrets. I did the same thing. No tailwheel time. Built the -8. I went out and secured a tailwheel endorsement in a Luscombe. At the first flight, I had 25 hours of tailwheel time. I now have over 100 hours and have only messed my pants twice on landing. I have a healthy respect for just how quickly a good landing can turn into a bad one.

I suggest that you slowly nibble your way into the crosswind club. I have found my limits and they are nowhere near as high as some have reported their limits to be on this site...
RV7 in Ireland

I too built my RV7 with no TW time. Over six years in, I am almost finished, and should be flying in a couple of months. I did a dozen hours in an RV6 with Jan Bussell in Florida last Spring. Can't say I am exactly current more than a year on, but it shouldn't take too long (a few hours dual in another local RV7 should do it) to get rid of the cobwebs.
For the first two hours at least (in a pretty hefty x wind) every landing was "uncontrolled" and required intervention by Jan. It felt like I was starting from scratch and it was quite daunting, but by hour 4 I was consistently performing boderline controlled 3 point (it this the right term?) landings. By hour six I was introduced to two wheel landings. What a shock it was to have to assertively (you need to be assertive when you have no finesse!) push the stick forward on contact. By hour ten, I was safe and predictable on two wheels or three. This was all on tarmac. Before I left, we did some work on some grass. Another shock was how much "easier" it was on the grass.....................
The key thing I learned was that the RV is soooo responsive (all my previous time was on a Cessna), if you ask it to do x, it will do x, exactly, to the inch. This is why Jan never jumped out of his seat, never once got rattled, cause he knew that as soon as I started to cross the line, no matter how close I was to the ground, the edge of the runway or how many crows hops I had just done he could take the controls and have the plane recovered, immediately...... I guess I learned that as experience grows, you don't strap yourself into an RV, you strap it on. This was probably the most pleasant realisation I had during my time with Jan. Sure I had heard it, thats why I decided to build an RV, but I had never experienced it.

Morale of the story? Go for it, and have fun meeting the challenge!

Andrew Butler,
Galway, Ireland.
Ditto!! No tailwheel time for me either. If others can fly a TW so can I. Biulding an RV7QB...almost finished the EM. Have received the wings & fuse.
Can't wait to fly this baby.
Brownsville, TN
998DH milk money builder

Had the same problem,read a article said instead of spending 600 dollars, the difference between 6 and a 6a in those days learn to fly instead. took the advice.Now I get to see my daughter Chrispatch enjoy the plane we also have a 182 set up the Idaho backcountry working on a seabee.
Congrats. I agree the tailwheel looks better... and is probably safer if you fly enough to keep current. I'm in the process of picking up a cheap Citabria to build my 100ish hours on while I finish the -4/HR1.5 or whatever this darn project ends up being.

Exciting times for me. i plan on selling the Citabria when the time comes to buy my engine.
been there done that. took the plunge with 180hrs TT over ten years and no TW time. Liked the structural arrangement better. Was I apprehensive when I first started flying it? Yes. But after 370 hrs I'm very happy with the decision.

tail wheel

Congratulations on your decision to build a RV7.

Guys, I had no tail wheel time when I built my RV6 in 1995, 96. I taught my self to taxi and fly it, did the first flight too. I had about 1400 hours, TT befor that flight. It was no trouble to learn the tail wheel. I now have 4025 TT and about 2600 hours in tail wheel aircraft.
Tail wheels are more fun!! Look good too. Easer to build and maintain.