Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
Just received my Special Certificate of Airworthiness in the mail, so C-GCPT, RV-9A #91081 is officially an airplane. Weather permitting, my first flight will be happening when I get back from a short vacation, in 10 days or so. The plane is ready and itching to get into the air where it belongs.

I kind of wish we could get that instant gratification of the pink slip like you do in the US. I waited for nearly 6 weeks for my last piece of paper. I am delighted that I'll be able to start my 25 hour test phase while the days are still long though.
Congratulations! Having to wait 6 more weeks when ready must be very difficult.

I think I'd cancel that vacation and get flying :D
Congratulations! Having to wait 6 more weeks when ready must be very difficult.

I think I'd cancel that vacation and get flying :D

I found a few things to do, took my time on the reassembly, tracked down a few small leaks, fixed a fuel sender. Certainly would rather have been flying though. Sadly canceling the vacation is not going to happen, and during 35-40 hours of driving I?ll be trying my best to not be chair flying.
Congrats Claude,

My sympathies for the agonizing wait but it is all worth it. I waited 3 1/2 months for the paperwork (Ontario) and am now looking forward to spending my vacation flying - 6 hours of the 25 done!
