
Well Known Member
It is amazing to me how much time can be spent agonizing over one decision. A while back it was the panel, and after taking the mental path from one end of the spectrum to the other I ended up with Garmin and Stein accepting bone marrow deposits regularly. It's interesting how the second after actually making the decision...I felt relieved at having done so.

This engine decision was much the same. Angle valve or parallel, new or used, rebuild it myself or send it out....sheesh. Well, the decision was made Friday morning and the engine, such as it is, sits in my basement....and I'm finished worrying about it. My local engine guru and trusted advisor Ryan Bendure had a neighbor who had a friend who was selling an angle valve project after deciding to go with a parallel instead. He was kind enough to give me a hellova deal on it.

A mixture of new parts (crank, cam, pistons, valves, Pmags etc) and overhauled parts will be assembled by me and Ryan in the near future. I'm offsetting some of the weight with a maxi-sump, whirlwind prop and light accessories. That sump is a chunk of change (which hurts) but all in I should come out with an angle valve around 19k.

My thanks to Ryan for always fielding my uninformed questions and for finding the engine. He walked me through the decision to overhaul rather than buy new and for some reason still answers my calls. We will build it at his hanger under the shadow of his beautiful, newly minted and flying Rocket once I have painted the overhauled case, gathered the remaining parts and visited the anodizer. It's pretty exciting seeing that stack of boxes finally sitting next to my project and while my wife can't fathom my excitement, I thought you guys would. It came home the same day my hangermate Bob received his spanking new gorgeous IO-375. Its Denver Enginefest 2013!

I think I'll unwrap everything for a photoshoot today. Smile baby, make love to the me those curvy cylinders....

Maybe I should leave it in the boxes.
I want to be a voyeur while the engine goes together. I'll bring refreshments.

Not a problem, well except for getting the parts.

The pistons, which were in stock last week are not now and the sump availability is "at some point around 2 months from now...we hope". Apparently they are having a foundry issue at Sky Dynamics and the resolution to that has yet to be determined. I may have to go with Superior instead. I'll have the anodizing done, the servo inspected and gather the other parts...then make a decision on the sump.

Will let you know when assembly day rolls around!
That is great news Bill - another decision done and no more lost time thinking about it! I hate the limbo period trying to figure out what to buy or do. I like the doing! Have fun and next time I am in town, maybe I can drop by and see your project.
I want to watch and learn, too!


I sent you a PM about this, but I'd really like to come and watch also. I'm up the road in Longmont. Let me know if you're interested in more company.
