
Active Member
I wanted to share with you the video that my high school freshman daughter produced. She had the assignment of creating a documentary film on ANY SUBJECT??I was SOO pleased that she selected our passion. She first flew with me in her car seat when she was 3 years old.

To all of you Dad?s out there?? they will MAKE YOU PROUD!!! Enjoy!

why we fly

Beautiful, and congratulations to your daughter for a nice motivational video. The youtube link will be in our next local EAA chapter newsletter.
Thanks for posting,
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
Wow! Really well done...nice video, nice music, nice interviews! Nice work :)

What was that music by the way?

I've seen documentaries on TV that weren't that good! Is she going to do something along these lines for a career?

1st post as "Rocketeer".
Very professional and impressive

I wanted to share with you the video that my high school freshman daughter produced. She had the assignment of creating a documentary film on ANY SUBJECT??I was SOO pleased that she selected our passion. She first flew with me in her car seat when she was 3 years old.

To all of you Dad?s out there?? they will MAKE YOU PROUD!!! Enjoy!


Perhaps the EAA or AOPA would be interested in using your daughter's work. IMHO it is that good. Don't know if there would be an NIH factor involved from their PR folks or what other obstacles there might be.


Great job. Your local cable TV provider should be able to run this on their community cable channel.

Your daughter will be infamous in the RV community. I am sure the EAA would love to have this video on their website. Just email the editors.

Once again great job.
Nicely Done

Sure. She gets an A. Great support from you Dad, and kudos to the interviewed pilots.

Kids are cool!
That was an amazing video.

I hope my daughter gets as crazy about aviation as I am. She is only 3 so I have hope I can "warp" her.

I second the opinion that she should submit it to AOPA and EAA. We need more films like that highlighting General Aviation.