Well Known Member
I SOLOed today at 3:00 pm. After pounding rivets for three years, shoveling years of self doubt and watching people walk off shaking their heads. I am prould to say that I SOLOed my RV6 today. It all went off without a hitch, made three of the best takeoffs & landings I have ever made. Layed much fear down after losing a brother & sister-in-law in a Bonanza accident in 95.

It really feels good to turn loose and accomplish something I've wanted to do in my sixty years. Just goes to show, "if you want it bad enough, if you think you can!"

To SOLO in an airplane I built, the only airplane I have ever flown really means something to me, now just have to continue and get past tha pesky checkride for my PPL.

Not Top Gun......but I sure felt at home. Can You tell I'm happy?
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Congrats and Thanks

That's an incredible achievement, Chuck. Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration.

Outstanding Chuck - I'm very happy to see you reach this goal - now reach for the next one!

Shirt tail coming off!!

Chuck, can't wait to see you next!

Good going, buddy. We are very happy for you.
Way Cool

You will remember this day forever, as every pilot does. First solo in an aircraft is unforgettable.

First solo in an aircraft you built yourself, ....... "PRICELESS" :D
Congrats Chuck and enjoy!!

Now somebody please find a large bucket of cold water and cool this guy down!!:D


....and in a tail wheel 6 to boot. Thought that could'nt be done!
First solo, first airplane, and you built it yourself. Not many can say that. Wow!!
V-E-R-Y Cool!!!


Your determination and steadfastness is remarkable. And being a new pilot in the new airplane you built is VERY COOL!!! I bet that puts you in a very small and unique club! Looking forward to the day we can get our two engines in the air in formation again!!!

Tailwinds always!
I SOLOed today at 3:00 pm...
Not Top Gun......but I sure felt at home. Can You tell I'm happy?

Chuck, it's Top Gun on many levels...congrats, and you sure should be happy...and proud!

It's said the PPL is a license to learn...and I've always felt (as student and instructor) that the first solo is the opening of the gateway to get to that...and all of your flying dreams!

It's the "Hey, I really can do this flying thing" moment that comes with it that sort of lifts you up and sends you on your way. It's a very exciting start to the "rest of the adventure".

To do it in an RV you built, after overcoming the challenges along the way...well that RV grin must be a mile wide!!!

Congrats again, and I hope you cut that shirt back and frame it!

Sierra Hotel

Nicely done, you have joined the ranks of Chales Lindbergh who soloed the only airplane he had flown in, jumped out of or otherwise. Your next challenge: 2000 hours in 10 years:)
WOW, indeed...

To solo in an airplane you built yourself...a salute and tip of the old fedora to you sir. Congratulations, keep on keeping on.
I SOLOed today at 3:00 pm. After pounding rivets for three years, shoveling years of self doubt and watching people walk off shaking their heads. I am prould to say that I SOLOed my RV6 today. It all went off without a hitch, made three of the best takeoffs & landings I have ever made. Layed much fear down after losing a brother & sister-in-law in a Bonanza accident in 95.

It really feels good to turn loose and accomplish something I've wanted to do in my sixty years. Just goes to show, "if you want it bad enough, if you think you can!"

To SOLO in an airplane I built, the only airplane I have ever flown really means something to me, now just have to continue and get past tha pesky checkride for my PPL.

Not Top Gun......but I sure felt at home. Can You tell I'm happy?

Totally cool, Chuck. You did it all! Congrats. :)

As my British friend would say...."Proper Job, Chuck"!

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so how about posting a couple of thousand words worth of you and your RV?
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Congratulations! I'm about 3 years into my build and I don't have my PPL yet either. Don't know yet if my first solo will be in my RV or something else, but you're definitely an inspiration! Keep those posts coming and let us know how you're doing.
Chuck, That is a great story, most of us solo in a Cessna and then start building an RV. What a great accomplisment. I know you are proud and you should be. Have fun flying your RV6.:)

Building RV9a
Hey Chuck,

Congrats on the solo!!! That's quite an accomplishment. Not much more and you can start making those expensive hamburger runs!

Well done... (Well your accomplishment - not the burgers)
