
Well Known Member
A bird was definitely harmed in the making of these pictures!

A "thump" at 11,500 feet will get your attention. Overnighting in Brownwood, TX
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WOW! That was some mass!!!

Glad OK.

PS. Those fly-bys at LOE were INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
Bird strike

Glad you enjoyed the fly-by. Hope to get to LOE next time in the RV-7, but good to be there this time.
I'm not normally watching out for birds at these altitudes!
I have seen a lot of large birds above 10000 ft especially across the great plains. Mostly geese and pelicans. They always surprise me.
Ron -

In this particular case, I bet you're glad you were flying some "heavy metal" - RV's are rugged, but I'd hate to see what that same bird would have done to one of my wings!

Yours was one of the many names I got to connect with faces at LOE - glad it was Ron - 1, Bird - 0 .....

HOLY COW (er...bird)! Man that would definitely mess up an RV. Kinda makes you think about full-parachute use.
Glad your OK! Your picture reminds me of a squadron mate a few years ago in Texas. He hit a pelican midway on the wing dead center on the leading edge of a T-28 doing about 200 or so. Landed with 1/2 the bird still inside.
Bird strike

Thanks, everyone for the well wishes. I'm still not home yet, as I'm still chasing that weather pattern eastbound, and stopping at warbird restoration shops for estimates. Hope to be home tomorrow afternoon.
Hit a pteradactyl lately?

To bad you weren't able to save the bird. We could have had BBQ Vulture with pineapple at LOE07. You were probably 100' AGL and just telling everybody you were up higher. We have seen how you fly! :eek: Robby and I stopped in Breckenridge, Tx for a fuel stop and there was a warbird restoration outfit. I don't know if you have a found a place to fix it but that was one big bird hit. Are you sure it wasn't a pteradactyl? Hope you make home soon.
TSwezey said:
To bad you weren't able to save the bird. We could have had BBQ Vulture with pineapple at LOE07. You were probably 100' AGL and just telling everybody you were up higher. We have seen how you fly! :eek: Robby and I stopped in Breckenridge, Tx for a fuel stop and there was a warbird restoration outfit. I don't know if you have a found a place to fix it but that was one big bird hit. Are you sure it wasn't a pteradactyl? Hope you make home soon.
Here's the website for the outfit in Breckenridge. First class all the way!!!!
Home again, finally!

Hi guys! I finally made it back home to south Florida yesterday afternoon.
I did stop at Ezell in Breckenridge to have the plane looked over and get an estimate. They really are a First Class outfit, but are so busy that they said it would be another year before they could work on it! I called another warbird shop who said they could do it after the first of the year, so maybe it will go there. *@#& birds!
If anyone knows of another good shop in the southeast please let me know about them. Its just a leading-edge skin so any good airframe shop should be able to do it.

Hi Ron,
Call Ray Lawrence in Sandersville, Ga. (OKZ). 478 552 9136. He runs Kaolin Aviation and has also built 6 or 7 RVs and helped finish another half dozen or more. Tell him Pierre sent you. :D
your paint scheme

Hi Ron,
Do you have any other photos of your aircraft (before the bird strike)? I'm interested in seeing hte rest of your paint scheme!