Bayou Bert

Well Known Member
I am working on my instrument ticket and it's time to let the AP
fly the approach and holding if needed.
I can't get it together! I can put the approach in the 650, no holding,
and all works good.
I arm the AP and hit execute and all goes great from IAF to the missed
But I can't figure out how to get the plane to fly the holding pattern at the
IAF, then when cleared, continue with the approach.
Any help greatly appreciated, I am at the wall at the moment.
Plane is RV9A.
Arriving at the IAF, your 650 will assume (1) you are proceeding straight in, or (2) you will be doing a course reversal, then proceeding inbound. If you wish to hold, you need to tell the 650. Go to the page on the 650 screen that has the options, select ?hold? or ?OBS? (older Garmin equipment has ?obs?, 650 may offer something else). 650 should now lock onto the IAF and show a holding pattern. When you decide to leave the hold, de-select ?hold? or ?obs? (older models) prior to crossing tne IAF inbound.