Steve Brown

Well Known Member
Anyone based or has been based at Hayward?

I'm thinking of moving my plane over there because hanger costs much less. Wondering about the vibe RE controller friendliness, experimental friendliness, airport acceptance in the community, fuel prices, and???
Up to a year or so ago, the airport manager at HWD was Brent Shiner. Brent and his Dad built and flew an RV-4 which they based at HWD. I believe that Brent is now the APM at Four Corners Regional Airport in Farmington, NM. He should be able to give you a good idea of HWD.


I have kept my Cessna 172 at Hayward for the last few years. I live in Discovery Bay and finally was able to obtain a hanger in Byron for my RV-7A that I am building. I still keep my 172 at HWD since it is leased to a flying club based there. It is a great airport and everyone I have met there is friendly. I have not seen many RVs there, however I think there is an RV-6A that is kept on the Green Ramp.
I based my RV at HWD for a couple of years. It was great - nice airport, friendly controllers, great runway. Highly recommended. I keep my plane at SQL now, but I'm on the hangar waiting list at HWD.
I used to fly in there

In my good old Archer I had Bendix BX-2000 avionics and the only shop on the West Coast that would work on them was at Hayward so I flew up there for service when required and a couple of visits to San Francisco. I was also impressed with the airport facilities, personnel and ATC.

Bob Axsom
My RV3 lives at Hayward. Been there 10 years or so. Very GA and Experimental friendly. Nice mix of warbirds there also.
Tin Man
In my good old Archer I had Bendix BX-2000 avionics and the only shop on the West Coast that would work on them was at Hayward so I flew up there for service when required and a couple of visits to San Francisco. I was also impressed with the airport facilities, personnel and ATC.

Bob Axsom

Next time you're in KHWD let me know, I'd like to see your speedster.
Thanks for the input!

Thanks guys. Very helpful info. I flew in there yesterday and it seems pretty pretty friendly, but there are things that cannot be determined by one trip.

The fact that there are no negative comments seems like a good thing.

I have a couple more business related details to close on, but will probably be moving.
Me too


I probably soloed in the same Champ at Hayward in 1958.
The plane was owned by Jack Patrick (Commercial Air Service) who was also an HWD tower operator.
I'll have to look up the tail number in my logbook. (surprised I can't remember it but, I'm old).
I also instructed for Harry Del Rosso in another Champ "Dirty thirty Charlie".This Champ always looked like its nickname but, it was well maintained. I've heard it's still flying in Livermore.
Harry was located in a small hanger/office near the end of 28L.
Back in those days that was a heck of an airport with a bunch of great old airplanes and great old pilots.
I'll alway have fond memories of the place.
Thanks for the trip back in time

hangar space at Byron?


I just sent luv2fly a PM....I'm almost ready to move to an airport for final assembly, and Byron would be a great choice if there is hangar space there?

RV-8QB finishing and FWF
I just sent luv2fly a PM....I'm almost ready to move to an airport for final assembly, and Byron would be a great choice if there is hangar space there?

Hi Steve,

Tracy almost always has hangars available. I did my phase I out there before moving the plane back SQL.