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Well Known Member
It seems that the hurricane refuge information is from 2008. There may be newer posts that I did not see.

Irma is threatening Florida and I am considering flying out. My RV project is not flying yet but I have a Stearman and a taylorcraft L2 that I need to protect. Is there a current list of inland hurricane refuge locations available. I would prefer to find a hangar in order to keep fabric airplanes out of the weather, especially the Stearman.

It is too early to tell where to go but I am planning ahead.


[ed. Please add your Hurricane relocation spots in the Hurricane list at instead of in this thread. Would like all the offers to be in one spot. If you have a spot to add, just add it as a reply in that thread. Thanks,dr]
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I live in Atlanta, at GA04. I'm pretty sure I am on the list. I have a Stearman as well, and yes it would be good to get it out of harms way. Might be a little far for a Stearman, but you are welcome.

I live in Atlanta, at GA04. I'm pretty sure I am on the list. I have a Stearman as well, and yes it would be good to get it out of harms way. Might be a little far for a Stearman, but you are welcome.


Atlanta may be on Irma's list. Keep watching.
Atlanta may be on Irma's list. Keep watching.
Yes, it could be, but USUALLY this far inland the stuff is safe that is inside. At least we will continue thinking that way. :)

We truly hope those of you in Florida do not have to suffer through a Harvey (or Floyd or anything else again!).

Hanger in Huntsville Alabama

I have a hanger at Huntsville international (HSV) if you want to head this way. It's half of a 60' T hanger that I share with an RV-6. My half is empty as I'm finishing construction.

If anyone is interested please send me an email.

Bscycleman (at) gmail . Com
If anyone needs to come as far north and west as the Memphis area, I have space in a hangar that could accommodate 3-4 RV size planes. PM me for info if interested.
NW Atlanta

To extend on Vic's offer and in hope that we aren't effected too badly, we have a 60x60 hanger and can probably fit 2 to 3 more planes in the hanger if needed. I'm at Calhoun, GA. KCZL if I can be of any help.
NC Hide-outs

I have access to a couple hangers up in central NC, as well as a spare bedroom (live on the airport) if anyone would want to stay with their plane. PM if interested.

[ed. Please add your Hurricane relocation spots in the Hurricane list at instead of in this thread. Would like all the offers to be in one spot. If you have a spot to add, just add it as a reply in that thread. Don't forget that once you are looking at that thread you can scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the 'Search This Thread' box. Put the State or City you need in there. Thanks,dr]
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