Mike D

Well Known Member
I am a new owner of a 6A and still in search of a hangar (that I can afford). Every other month I need to travel overseas for business. This leaves my plane vulnerable if a hurricane or other bad weather came through when I was away.

What sort of precautions or plans have others made for either, having someone fly their plane to safety, or being moved into a hangar to wait it out? I am the only named PIC on my insurance.

Does someone know how to let the weather man know to schedule bad weather around my trips? ;)
During the last hurricane, I was amazed to see the only damaged planes on the field were the ones where the hangar collapsed on them. :( The ones tied down were lucky. :) But I am not a gambling man.
After our last real hurricane (Wilma 2005) in S. Fla., we had about 50 totally destroyed planes on the ramp and another 50 with serious damage at Lantana (LNA). We also had 2 hangars collapsed with several aircraft inside destroyed. It was ugly. I feel your concern.

Be sure to have another RV pilot listed on your insurance in case you are absent or sick. See the Hurricane escapes on the VAF left column menu.
Same concern


My airplane is hangared in a flood zone, right next to a river. I also travel and have had the same concern. There are no RV owners/pilots that live close to me. I asked two local Pitts pilots to fly with me and do a few take offs and landings until we were both comfortable. They fly with me on a regular basis. I leave the keys where they can get them when I am away with the understanding that one of them will fly it out if necessary.
Thanks for the replies. Looks like I will leave the keys with someone when I leave.

I have looked at Hooks but the price they are asking for a hangar buys a lot of fuel and I would rather fly. They have also increased the price by 30-percent over the last year with no guarantee it will stay. I am hoping to find a hangar I can share so the price doesn?t hurt so much.
FWIW - I have a hanger in Rockwall that could house about three, maybe 4 RVs in a pinch. Refuges from hurricanes always welcome....