
Well Known Member
Working in Huntsville and will be here over this coming weekend, any cool RV stuff to see while I am here?
Huntsville area RV's

Hi Dave,

I think you may be the tall guy I met during the KC135 tour at Oshkosh. :) Sorry, I won't be available this weekend due to a grandson's visit.

There are several RV's located at Decatur's Pryor Field (KDCU), but only a few come out of their hangars at the same time, even on Saturday morning.

However, Jeff's advice is spot on. If you are going to be in town on the next weekend (the third Saturday, August 18) you would get to enjoy the EAA chapter Fly In breakfast at Moontown. However, any Saturday at Moontown is a nice experience. There are some RV's based there, but I'm not sure how many will be out and about this coming Saturday. Maybe David Edgemon or some of the other RV-ers based at Moontown can add to this thread.

Hope you have a good time in Huntsville. There is an RV builders' group which includes builders in Huntsville, Decatur, Athens and other communities. The web page is
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Second Moontown

Welcome to Huntsville Dave
I'll second the Moontown suggestion. Great grassroots type GA airport. Normally a good turn out for breakfast.
Moontown on the list

Thanks for the tips, I may be here the following Sat 18th if the proposal is not finished, if so will check out the breakfast. Will check it out this Sat.:D
RV-7 Project

I would third Moontown. Also, I don't know if it's cool or not, but you're welcome to come by and look at my RV-7 project Friday or Saturday if you like. I'm in Madison which for all practical purposes is in Huntsville. My project is in the final stages of construction (a couple of FWF details, panel wiring, etc. You can PM me if you're interested.
Dave, I would NEVER suggest you go see my hangar-mate's project without clearing it with him first, but since he just made the offer, I would strongly suggest you tag up with Dan and go see his project. :)

You will not be disappointed.