
Well Known Member
Today I got to help Brad Vier and David Nelson hang fresh new engines on the front of their projects. It all started with Brad looking for help. David and I arrived to provide the moral support. Once done, David commented that he was planning on hanging his today too before the call for help. The three of us migrated to his project and helped hang his as well. Two in one day. What a joy to be able to help out. We have this down pat. Congrats to Brad and David on their new milestone.

Two Engines Make for a Fun Day for the Wife

...and while Scott was helping to hang two engines, I was out gallivanting around central Texas in our airplane. OK - so there was a goal. I was out prepping for my BFR that is due by the end of the month.

Talk about a great world - two very different experiences lead to the same result...A GREAT RV DAY!
As Tech Counselor for all 3 of these projects, all I can say is keep up the good work, guys (and Tanya, too).

And after spending a number of hours flying around central Texas with Scott and his beautiful RV9A training for his IFR rating, the GRT/430W system is working really well. Hope my AFS/430W works as well...
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Many thanks!!

I'm very grateful that both Scott and David were able to come assist. Neither of these guys had met me before, but immediately we all had a bond and trust we shared. No other hobby comes close. Thanks again guys! -Brad
Sounds like you had a great day.

Can I ask if you first attached the mount to the engine, or did you first attach the mount to the firewall?
Sounds like you had a great day.

Can I ask if you first attached the mount to the engine, or did you first attach the mount to the firewall?

Both operations were with the mount first attached to the firewall. Beyond that, opinion is plentiful :).
Fun by all

Yes, it was quite the day. I think at one time we had 5 people doing something around Brad's engine - like the "official bolt holder". ;)

Thanks again guys for all the help.

I got the main tires in place Sunday using the Grove wheel/brake setup. Two minor mods: 1) AN4-12A bolts instead of the 11A's and 2) had to trim a small notch in the inboard wheel pant bracket to allow the caliper to slide into place. More and more she's starting to look like a real airplane.

Those of you who mounted the engine to the mount and then to the plane: Did you rest the mount on the floor/bench and then sit the engine on top, or what? Just curious as to the actual sequence of things since there was some pulling and pushing to get things lined up while the mount was on the plane.