
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
OK, before you read this you should know that I sent this privately to Stein a few days ago to make him laugh. You know by now that he nibbled a bit of his finger off in a prop last weekend (read his account). He asked for people in a later reply to basically come up with funny stuff about it to lift his spirits.

I sent him the text below with a graphic:

"..before you fly to Dallas just to punch me in the face, remember you asked for people to make light of the situation <g>.
New logo attached.
Get well soon, friend.
He replied:
"OK, we printed that out today and had an absolute ROAR of a laugh! You HAVE to post that in the forums, because it's probably the single funniest thing we've seen yet!"
So now you know I was asked to put this up from the guy himself - all in the name of humor and lifting Stein's spirits. So, without further delay, I present the new SteinAir company logo.....


Classic! rotflmao

I can't stand it anymore...:mad: What does the R-O-T-F mean? I know what the lmao means....:D Also, while I'm asking, what is IIRC mean???? I can't figure that one out either.

Also, I love the new company logo. VERY funny Doug!:)
I can't stand it anymore...:mad: What does the R-O-T-F mean? I know what the lmao means....:D Also, while I'm asking, what is IIRC mean???? I can't figure that one out either.

Also, I love the new company logo. VERY funny Doug!:)

-R-olling -O-n -T-he -F-loor;)
That's great

Good one Doug. I was going to go on line and order him a Minnesota Vikings foam finger and cut it off and send it to him.

Glad he's got a sense of humor or could go Postal on us at the BBQ next year!!!
Those of us of 'certain age' will of course remember the Fickle Finger Of Fate ?

Verrrrry Interesting, but Stupid :D
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Lost digit

Hey Stein, great logo. I know what you feel like, for a couple years ago I was propping my cub an it ran away an hit a tree an totaled itself. Now I'm known as Cub Slayer. Only my ego took a hit though. It did provide great fodder for all my airline buddies for a while.
Hey, I was just thinking...

This makes Paul Story, Stein's RIGHT HAND MAN!


Paul, you can use that in your signature, if you like!

;) CJ