Not 100% sure what you are referring to, but if it's about learning humility while building an aircraft, I can relate. I've told my engine story 100 times, so won't tell it again, but after that experience, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm doing whatever the build manual, the factory, AC43.13, and particularly whatever Van recommends!
It's All Good

My OP was actually an attempt at mild humor. I will admit frustration at accomplishing something successfully only to fall flat on the next step. (Did I mention how good I'm getting at drilling out rivets?)

We're building a -10. Intimidation is huge. Never having worked with hands is huge. Over-thinking everything is huge.

I'm almost finished closing the HS. It's my second attempt at building the HS. I'm looking forward to seeing other pages of the plans. :)

Honestly, I'm having a blast (at this moment)!

A wise builder once told me. "hours of contemplation followed by minutes of execution", I found he was correct. As well as the other saying we have all heard: "90% done and 90% to go"

?hours of contemplation followed by minutes of execution?

I?m stealing that line for future use! Describes my building style.....
I've been asked how long it took to build our airplane. The honest answer is that it didn't take very long.

Now ask me how long I spent thinking about how to build it, planning for each and every build step, contemplating exactly where to run fuel lines, wire bundles, etc etc etc. The answer to that question is... "You don't want to know. You REALLY don't want to know!" :)
What ever screwup you make, rest assured that others have done way worse. Way worse.

I don?t want to tell you how many times I have drilled into some behind where
I was drilling that I had forgotten about. Another part, my hand (way more than once).

After five yrs when I scrap a part I don?t even think about it. I order or make a new one. My *** kicking machine used to be turned to 11. Now it has been disconnected and put away. My blood pressure doesn?t budge. And I am no longer demanding perfection. Is it safe and reasonably attractive? Good to go. Everyone is different in that regard.

Congrats on finishing your stab. Now build another part. And another....

Don't fall victim to Scotoma. The mind sees what it wants to see.
It has bit me more times than I care to mention. I read the manual over and over. Proof the plans over and over. Then somehow make the mistake and there it is. Right in the manual and plans. How did I miss that? When in doubt, have a non builder child or spouse read the manual.