
VAF moderator
Well... Avemco said 800 and change for liability insurance for the RV-3, but no can do on hull insurance for the RV-3. Liability yes, but no hull. They insure all the other RV's for hull. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm thinking the bank wants full insurance.
Brian Wallis
Well... Avemco said 800 and change for liability insurance for the RV-3, but no can do on hull insurance for the RV-3. Liability yes, but no hull. They insure all the other RV's for hull. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm thinking the bank wants full insurance.
Brian Wallis

Shouldn't have mentioned the helicoper connection. :)
At SnF I hit up the different insurance companies for quotes and Avemco was well over a thousand dollars more than Falcon for full coverage.

Just sent the renewal check to Falcon today.

I use NationAir for my planes. They have been wonderful. Paid my claim and worked with my to get my plane back in the air.

MUCH, MUCH cheaper than Avemco (by almost half).

Just my two cents.

The underwriter is Global Aerospace, as I recall.
Big thanks

Hello gentlemen! Thanks for the replies. I will try those following insurance companies tomorrow, the wings are off the RV-3 that I'm trying to buy (to get the spar mod). It's IFR but it needs paint. Hopefully it will be back flying soon. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.... I'm thinking that it needs the same paint scheme that a certain fastback RV-8 has... seeing that they are painting Mustangs like RV's now :) It's (the fastback 8) a green nose with silver and invasion stripes, it has a checker yellow and orange spinner and a Sam James cowl.. It was for sale a while ago and I'm trying to find it's pic.... so I can get a paint quote for the -3.... It's actually in the Magazine with Randy's RV-3... it's behind the Thunderbird Blue Rv-3b of Mr Tony Spicer on page 29 of the June 09 Sport Aviation magazine. ps for the tailwheel question.. I do have my tailwheel endorsement... maybe 15 hrs or so legally...:)
Brian Wallis
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Unless you have PIC time in a 3 or 4, you might only end up with liability for the first 25 hours or so. They are just a little different on landing... not so much on takeoff.
Rod Bower's 8

Hello gentlemen! Thanks for the replies. I will try those following insurance companies tomorrow, the wings are off the RV-3 that I'm trying to buy (to get the spar mod). It's IFR but it needs paint. Hopefully it will be back flying soon. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.... I'm thinking that it needs the same paint scheme that a certain fastback RV-8 has... seeing that they are painting Mustangs like RV's now :) It's (the fastback 8) a green nose with silver and invasion stripes, it has a checker yellow and orange spinner and a Sam James cowl.. It was for sale a while ago and I'm trying to find it's pic.... so I can get a paint quote for the -3.... It's actually in the Magazine with Randy's RV-3... it's behind the Thunderbird Blue Rv-3b of Mr Tony Spicer on page 29 of the June 09 Sport Aviation magazine. ps for the tailwheel question.. I do have my tailwheel endorsement... maybe 15 hrs or so legally...:)
Brian Wallis

That is Rod Bower's RV-8 and I believe sold.

The link to his website is on this site. . . however the following link should take you directly where all the pictures of the airplane are. . .

Whoops. . . just noticed this thread is a month old. . . If you haven't found the pictures already. . . this link is where you will find them
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