
Well Known Member

Is there any practical use for any position other than "Both"? JPI provides a 3-position switch to install alongside the monitor that selects "EGT", "Both", and "FF" for fuel flow installations. I don't want another switch in the panel that will go unused.

John Siebold
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Not really, it just takes longer to cycle through all values if you have it set to Both.. The other two settings help as you don't have to push the button as many times to cycle through..

I never cycle through anyways on my 830 as you have most important stuff showing all the time anyways. That's why our switch is on Both and not installed in the panel..
I'm having it installed. I can envisage maybe the odd occasion where I might change the numerical display cycle to prioritise FF or EGTs depending on the circumstances.

I'm making it a mini-toggle so it's not overly obtrusive. It's there if I feel like changing it on a whim, but I'm not expecting that it'll be used all that much.