Ivan Kristensen

Well Known Member
This past weekend I took my daughter, son-in-law and oldest grandson for flight to NYC. The reason for this flight was to fly the Special Flight Rule Area (SFRA) which is a low level VFR corridor over the Hudson River from the Alpine Tower to the north to the Verrszano-Narrows bridge to the south

Enroute to NYC

Approaching the river.

1500' over the river entering the SFRA.

Here is a bread crumb trace from FltPlan Go clearly showing us circling the Stature of Liberty. What a great experience.



I think this trip was a success!
Hudson River

Here is a trace showing our return flight. After a lunch and fuel stop at the Monmouth Executive Airport (KBLM) Belmar/Farmingdale NJ. we flew north by the Colts Neck VOR and entered the river again at Verrazano Bridge. From there it is approx. 22nm to the Alpine tower which is the north bound exit point of the corridor. About a 15 min. flight incl. a circle around the Stature of Liberty.
Once well north of the city we picked up an IFR clearance for the return trip back to Canada.

I noticed another circle over a prominent landmark. Wondering if you were still on IFR flight plan.
Niagara Falls

I noticed another circle over a prominent landmark. Wondering if you were still on IFR flight plan.
Yes I was going to mention that in my last post but forgot. Since the weather was clear and our route took us very close to Niagara Falls this gave us a good opportunity to view the scenic falls from the air.

I was cruising IFR at 8000' and talking to Buffalo approach, I asked if I could descend to 6k and do a 360 around the falls. Buffalo handed me off to Toronto Ctr. and let me know that they would have a clearance for me.

On my first call to Toronto Ctr. they asked if I would like a lower altitude for the circle, I answered in the affirmative. my new clearance read "cleared to circle the falls within 5m. maintain 4500, EFC 2230"

Wow, I was impressed! But then I would have to say that the NYC controllers were equally accommodating in cancelling my IFR and giving vectors to the Alpine Tower for the beginning of the Hudson River southbound trip. They were also very quick with a "pop up" clearance a couple hours later when we exited the river northbound for the trip home.
High praise to the controllers on both sides of the border.


This trace clearly shows the circle around the Falls
Sight seeing the falls

This post reminded me of a Capt of a 727 that requested a descent to get a good look at the falls and then discovered they used so much fuel that they had to stop short of their destination.
