
Well Known Member
What are some of the techniques you guys have used to set the inboard HS-904 main rib to spar to HS-905 nose rib rivets on the Horizontal Stab?

Using my straight set the center rivet came out fine, but the other two I buggered up and will have to be drilled out. I made the attempt with my double offset but didn't change my pressure from what I normally use with the straight set. (60psi)

Suggestions? What has everyone had luck with?
I hate these rivets! I hate them... Did I say I hate them?

These are some of the most problematic rivets to date that I have encountered working on this plane.

Allot of people have major problems with these.

I drilled them out at least three times, bought new parts, drilled out again.

Ended up using some Cherrymax rivets here and forgot about them. Others have done the same.

Did I say I hate these rivets?

Pulled several with a cheap Harbor Freight puller.

I think some of the exotic types do but the standard CherryMax ones do not.

I have to say I agree with your statement. I hate these rivets also. I have drilled two sets out and now the holes are a bit larger.

I am curious if I should use bolts for these holes or if the cherry max rivets will be adequate.

any advice either way and what size bolt / cherry max rivet should be used would be great

thanks in advance
I second the hatred of these rivets

The Cherry Max is a good solution and VANS should just tell us to use these and supply them.

I drilled them out a few times and used an offset set to finally make them reasonable.

These are very difficult.
Yep, motion carried!

Those are awful. I finally gave up and moved on, but just this morning I was forced to stare at them while working on elevator travel. I just received my latest little box from Vans, including a dozen Cherrys. I'm gonna try those, if I don't like 'em I will try #8 screws, if they don't work I'll use AN3's. ANYTHING but AN470's!

In fact, these holes are so buggerred up already I may just drill new ones between them and pop those Cherrys in there instead of drilling those bad rivets out again.

Roger Barnes
-9A slow QB
La Grande Oregon
any idea what size cherry max to order? I talked to aircraft spruce and they need to grip length to get the right part..

any idea what size cherry max to order? I talked to aircraft spruce and they need to grip length to get the right part..

Look on the ACS website. They have a CherryMax length chart which shows the grip range of the rivet, so you don't need a gauge for thickness. Also, you'll probably want the CherryMax version that is slightly larger in diameter, since the HS holes are probably enlarged a little. Hope this helps.
thanks for the info, I ended up buying a few different lengths of rivets and bolts. I will see what fits best and let everyone know what worked the best.

LP4-3 Blind rivets

Those rivets can indeed be bucked. I used a double offset rivet set. From the looks of my photo:


From either direction, apparently. ;)

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That makes sense, those are the rivets that were used for the middle ribs. I will do that for the left side of the H-Stab, since I haven't messed those holes up yet by drilling anything out.

The other side I think will need the Cherry max rivets to fille the holes good enough

Thanks for the suggestion
These rivets?

I do believe you are talking about these rivets. Notice that two of them are Cherry Max rivets. A local A&P and RV re-builder told me about them.

When the whole job was done, I realized that if I had riveted the two inboad ribs on to the spar before I put them into the HS skins, I would not have had a problem with my rivet squeezer and the angles it made with the hard rivets. When my friend built his RV-8, I had him to follow that procedure and it worked just fine.

The hardest rivets for me were the FIRST rivets in the HS center nose rib before the spar goes into the skins. I used too much air pressure and yep, there is a dent there, and filler to hide the mess on the top front center of both horizontal stabilizer skins.
thanks for all the info. I ended up getting most of these bucked using a tungsten bucking bar.

for the ones I couldn't get, specifically the holes that were pretty bad I used cherry max rivets from aircraft spruce.

part number CHERRYMAX RIVET CR3243-4-5. seemed to work good for me
I remember use and 1/8" offset shank and tungsten bucking bar. I keep the pressure set at 90 psi at the compressor and reduce the flow at the gun.
No glee in others' pain, but ...

... I'm so-o-o-o-o glad to hear others cussing and discussing those rivets. My fuse is done, and I'm starting on the finish kit, and those HS rivets are the worst I've encountered. I too ended up ordering Cherry Max. Worked great ... but not until I'd almost torn all my hair out. :mad: