
Well Known Member
Should the rear spar of the HS be primed--the part which will end up on the outside? Or should it be left untouched for the final paint job?
I missed that too as I built to the letter and sort of wondered and now I am on the front spar to where it says disassemble debur and prime if desired.

I think on page 08-03 line 4 of step 1 the word prime got left out before the if desired. It does have the scuffing of the powder coat we missed on the vertical stab but no prime, even in the 10-17 update.

In the area of paint and prime system compatibility I think we only want to do the inside part if desired unless you've already got the paint and prime system selected and aren't going to change your mind.
Just adding my 2 cents to this older thread. I'm just about to AKZO prime all the parts of my HS for final assembly and I plan to prime the external side of the rear spar. My thinking is that the primer will provide additional mechanical protection for the spar between now and when final painting occurs likely several years in the future. I leave the blue plastic on between the rivet holes for the same reason. These parts will like get moved around between the basement, garage and hangar quite a bit. I'll let the paint shop decide how to deal with it when it gets there. It's a nice epoxy primer so they might get by with just scuffing it and painting or they might want to remove it entirely. Either way I've already primed the rear of the VS stab so it will be the same there as well.

To be honest I just really like the way the primer looks compared with bare aluminum with fingerprints.
If you prime, you will always be happy.

If your painter uses a different chemistry, he will compensate when he paints.

Prime and build on.