
Well Known Member

I'm so very close to driving some rivets, but I noticed on the drawing a spot where I'm supposed to trim HS-603PP where the two spars meet up.

From the drawing (DWG3):
Trim HS rear spar to allow for elevator control horns to pivot forward and contact the elevator "down" control stop. See DWG 27A

I looked at DWG27a, and i couldn't find any dimensions for how much to trim off.

Is this something I should just ignore for now and trim later on when it comes to mounting the elevators?

Hey, I was gonna say that...

How funny.

I was just getting ready to post the link and John did it for me.

Like John said Ryan, good job on noticing that little detail. While it is possible to cut the notch after assembly, I'm sure its much easier before assembly :eek: .

This is the point in my build where I realized that there is no superfluous information on the drawings. If its printed you need to read it.
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LOL...I just happened to have your site up in my browser from a few days ago, Joe.

Wait a minute....shouldn't you be in your hangar working on your wings?? :rolleyes:

Actually I'm finally getting around to building some updated pages for the site.

Can't believe how fast the last few months have flown by. Clearly, I'm traveling too much and working too much. I need to be playing/building more!
Trim for Positive Clearance

Is this something I should just ignore for now and trim later on when it comes to mounting the elevators?

On the RV-8 project, I waited until I temporarily installed the elevators then using a pneumatic pencil grinder fitted with a rotary file, "trimmed for positive clearance." A good Dremel tool though bulkier in physical size than a pencil grinder should work almost as easily.

Cool. Thanks for the insight on how important the plans are. I'll opt to trim them now as opposed to later when they are riveted. :)

After the elevators are on

like rick, i waited until the elevators were temporarily mounted to trim that piece. Had no trouble with a dremmel and a cutting wheel. i think either w
ay works. good luck
dennis giammarco rv-7
working on wings