
Active Member
In the notes on the HS drawing it shows cut out material from the his-609PP to allow room for the elevator control horns to have clearance. It shows a hatched out area and refers to DWG 27A which I have been unable to find. Does anyone have dimensions of how far down the rear spar to cut to allow for sufficient clearance? From looking at it it appears that going even with the second rivet hole would work but recommendation from someone who has installed the elevator would be appreciated.
I'd wait until time to install the stab on the fuse - which I have not done yet. I think this will allow you to get everything set, get the right travel on the elevator throw, and cut away minimum material. You'll have the correct page and appropriate instructions when you get the fuselage or finishing kits.
The trimming on the 609-PP is for elevator control horn clearance to achieve sufficient travel. The instructions for when to trim are in the "Elevator Control System" section. In my plans it is on page 8-58, second to last instruction step on the page. If you look at Dwg 78, elevator stop adjustment, you can get an idea of why you are trimming that area.
I don't know that it really buys you anything to do it now aside from simpler access. Full disclosure, I pre-trimmed mine during the HS build but I did have to fine tune it during the elevator install/adjustment so I don't think I gained anything by doing it early.
Personally, I went ahead and made a conservative trim of the lower spar flange before riveting using the drawings and looking at how the WD-605 horns attach. It will be less cutting to do and less chance of nicking the reinforcement bars later. That being said, I may have to widen it out a bit later as you dont want any chance of binding there but at least I have a start. I believe I went the width of the HS-411 bracket plus a additional 3/16"- 1/4" for clearance either side.
I appreciate the responses. I would like to cut it now, before I prime and reassemble. I've looked at drawing 78. Think I'll pull out the elevator horns and mock attach them to get an idea of how much clearance I need. Hopefully I won't need to retrim later.