
Well Known Member
I'm probably going to mount the HS to my 9A this weekend. I still can't decide if I should follow the plans and drill the angles to the deck first, then add the shims, or drill them with the shims in place. Looking at peoples websites I can't seem to get a consensus on how to do it. Any advice will be appreciated.
I pillar drilled my attachment angles first -fitted the spacers in the right position drilled through them to match the brackets - then fitted the whole assembly with spacers in position and using a long reach drill bit went through the existing holes in the attachment brackets into the longeron.
drilling stab

Same here. I'll bet it will make more sense to you as you set it up to drill. Make sure you allow for the hidden thickness of the longeron outboard angle when you shoot the holes through.
I recently finished attaching the HS and drilled everything at once. As long as things are clamped down well so nothing moves you will be fine. As noted before, be careful about getting your outboard holes far enough from the longeron to get bolts in properly. I also decided to put the bolts in from the bottom so I could torque the nut on the top easily.

I also decided to put the bolts in from the bottom so I could torque the nut on the top easily.


As I understand "standards" for installing fasteners, bolts, screws, etc. should be oriented where possible such that when the nut comes off, you don't discover it by finding the bolt instead of the nut.

Food for thought...........
Greg -
Good point about the "hidden" longeron wall thickness.

Also - I'm just finishing up the wings - so I'm not as far along as you (so there may be other reasons) - but I second Mike's idea about putting the bolt in from the top...
Good Luck!
Lorin D
9A Wings