
Well Known Member

Hi,, not sure if I should order new ones and start them again.. but here goes... the rivet hole clearances are ok,, but the reinforcement. doesn't look much like the "plans" pretty wavy as my first attempt with the band saw was just that an attempt.

810 has waves in it... doesn't look pretty at all.
814 (2nd one done) looks more like the plans but still isn't all that pretty either.


Hey Mike

Not sure what you mean by "wavy", but if the edge distances are all good, you should be fine. Those bits are covered up by the fin/hstab intersection fairing anyway so you won't see them.

BTW, if you are at the airshow at CYRP this Saturday, stop by my hangar when it is over. We are having our 2nd Annual Carp Airshow BBQ after the Snowbirds are done their show.

replacing the HS810-1

Hi Mark,,,, thanks for the info.. I remeasured the "distances" and I'm short on 2 of the 4 holes... I've ordered the replacement part from Vans... alot easier

as for the rivets.... drilled out (partially) then broken with punch and punched out... do I still need to reem and drive next size universal head?

I'll be able to go to Carp either Sat am (gotta leave for T/O for son's football) or all day sunday.. not sure yet..

thanks for the invite