
Well Known Member
all, I've read about cables being too short - but have any of you builders encountered too long HS cables? Mine are threaded into the turnbuckles (not all the way yet, but no thread is visible) and they're still quite loose. They do not slam the cone, nor each other. When applying UP or DOWN however and the HS reaches its stop the HS keeps nodding a bit for there is too little tension on the non-pulling cable.
I haven't measured the tension yet and am still in the process to remove the ground plate under the seats to check the right position of the cables on the pulley's, but according to pics I'm almost certain that part of the build is being done OK.
Just curious for someone else having too long cables?
There are two stops: control stick stop and horizontal stabilator stop. Since the horizontal stabilator is bobbing up and down, it must not be against its stop. Quote from plans:
Make sure the stabilator contacts its up and down stops before the WD-1210 Control Column contacts its up and down stops.
Tx for thinking with me, Joe. The HS is touching the stops, however the cable tension isn't enough to keep it there - perhaps due to too much length? Thus the bobbling.
Have you got your seat floors in ? If not, the bulkhead bends backwards as you start to tension the cables. Big note somewhere about not tensioning until floor is in.
Maybe post photos of your pulley assembly & turnbuckles and it might trigger a thought from someone?
Just love this forum. Tx for the idea, I'll take pics next time I'm in the shop. Tx for thinking with me.
Solution found: just turn in the buckles far enough ;-( before you set alarm.
I looked at the pulley's: nothing strange. Then I turned the cables in the pully's as far as I could, to explore that the HS actually hits the stop before the stick does. And quite some tension (I have to measure, but it felt OK).
After that I found out that folks were right about putting the ground plate under the seat in, first..
So I un-strengthened the cables again, put in the ground plate and tied them up again. HS ok, pull ok, cables ok.
Up to the next step.
Have you got your seat floors in ? If not, the bulkhead bends backwards as you start to tension the cables. Big note somewhere about not tensioning until floor is in.

If the cables are properly tensioned with the seat ramp cover in, and the cover is then removed, will it be difficult (possible) to re-install the cover? I'm assuming some distortion will occur when the cover is removed.

If the cables are properly tensioned with the seat ramp cover in, and the cover is then removed, will it be difficult (possible) to re-install the cover? I'm assuming some distortion will occur when the cover is removed.


By pulling vertically on the right hand stick, the holes in the mounting bracket will move into alignment with the holes in the seat pan, allowing insertion of the screws.