
Well Known Member
Another quick question from a newbie builder....

When I went to my builder's class, the instructor said it wasn't necessary to build a perfectly level, horizontal jig for building a pre-punched HS. As a matter of fact, he said just to use the wood 'V's' you cut out, for final skin attachment..but no major horizontal jig to build the skeleton on. He said to just cleco it together, and build it on the bench.

Then if you go over to Checkoway's site (rvproject.com), even though he built a -7, he built up a fancy jig to build all of the HS. Is this really necessary on a -9? Since everything is pre-punched, it's 'going to go where it's going to go', regardless of a fancy horizontal jig. :confused:

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The -9 HS is completely different from all other RV stabs (shape and construction method). Build it on the bench. Use the plywood holder for working with the skins only (match drilling and assy).

Dan's empennage wasn't pre-punched. Van's recommended using jigs for assembly before they started making pre-punched parts. The jigs are no longer required.

I completely understand, I just thought Dan's HS was in fact, pre-punched. My bad...thanks for the clarification.