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I came to my 1st major head scratching.. the instructions ask to cleco hs702 hs603 hs 706 hs707 and hs708


I found that I need 5/32" clecos which I didn't have then so I placed an order at Cleaveland.

While waiting for the clecos I thought of using the skin to align all the parts together for the drilling. This method seems to workout ok despite the fact that I have to struggle with the leading edges of the ribs. They scratched the skin bad. What bugged me and I am seeking your input here is why the forward tip flange don't lay flat with


One more confusing point is, I enlarged the 8th hole in the aft spar HS603 to #21 as per the instruction (where I needed the black cleco) the problem is the holes attach to HS707 flange where the holes are undersized #30 The black cleco won't go through and the copper one will be lose.


The plans state clearly to enlarge them later, but I am thinking of enlarging them BEFORE attaching the rib. What do you think?

Since I just finished that part I'll tell you what I did.

Take everything apart.

1. Take the 707, 706 and 404 and cleco them to the skin on only one side, starting at the nose of each rib.
2. Turn the assembly over and cleco the other side to the skin, again starting at the nose.
Once those three are in place you can install the rest of the skeleton.
Once it has been fit up a few times it does get easier to assemble.

As for drilling the holes to #21. You don't want to wait until final assembly because you install those pulled rivets last. If you wait to drill them all the shavings will be forever stuck inside your HS.

I drilled them as per plans and put tape over them to remind me to not try and put a -4 rivet in that hole (also per plan).

Hope that helps. Good luck.
Since I just finished that part I'll tell you what I did.

Take everything apart.

1. Take the 707, 706 and 404 and cleco them to the skin on only one side, starting at the nose of each rib.
2. Turn the assembly over and cleco the other side to the skin, again starting at the nose.
Once those three are in place you can install the rest of the skeleton.
Once it has been fit up a few times it does get easier to assemble.

As for drilling the holes to #21. You don't want to wait until final assembly because you install those pulled rivets last. If you wait to drill them all the shavings will be forever stuck inside your HS.

I drilled them as per plans and put tape over them to remind me to not try and put a -4 rivet in that hole (also per plan).

Hope that helps. Good luck.

Thank you very much. How did you cleco the 708 rib to the aft spar?
I did have clecos that would hold it during the initial fit up.
During final assembly you don't ever really need them. You will rivet in the 708s so they are fixed in position and then install the rear spar as an entire assembly. The holes line up fine, or at least they did for me.
I did have clecos that would hold it during the initial fit up.
During final assembly you don't ever really need them. You will rivet in the 708s so they are fixed in position and then install the rear spar as an entire assembly. The holes line up fine, or at least they did for me.

What cleco size did you use during the drilling?
If memory serves I put copper 1/8" clecos in both holes to align everything. Removed one while drilling to #21. Placed a black 5/32 in the now enlarged hole, removed the remaining copper cleco and then enlarged that hole. Do I understand your question correctly?

How is you progress coming? Were you able to get the skin around the nose ribs starting from the front and working aft?
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