
Well Known Member
Standing in the garage with my hs810 and took a sharpie and maped off whith a sharpie about what I think I'll nEed to take off..... Buttttttt I need to know if this looks right. Because it looks like my sketch leaves only leaves 6/32 of room on the sides around the hole. Me being the new builder I am.... Does the "R-1/4" on the taper detail mean I need that distance minimum around the entire hole?

This would mean I'd need to make the outline bigger to 8/32 instead?


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Standing in the garage with my hs810 and took a sharpie and maped off whith a sharpie about what I think I'll nEed to take off..... Buttttttt I need to know if this looks right. Because it looks like my sketch leaves only leaves 6/32 of room on the sides around the hole. Me being the new builder I am.... Does the "R-1/4" on the taper detail mean I need that distance minimum around the entire hole?

This would mean I'd need to make the outline bigger to 8/32 instead?


Yes, R-1/4 means from the center of the hole.

What you have marked is R-3/16.

Thanks I re measured and now it's all dandy I just wanted to make sure! Time to file away !!!!!!

I cut mine with a band saw, goes much quicker. :)

Well you guys will laugh at me when I say this but......

after about 3.5 hours of using a freaken vixon file I got it all done! Why did it take so long you may ask?

1. I didnt know to put it in the vice, so instead I was holding it down with a crappy clamp and one hand while the other one tried to tapper.

2. Im a complete rookie at building or usuing tools

Laugh all you want, but when my one friend asked if I had it in a vice, my brain went "DUH" and then it shredded that alum like it never shredded before!


You're gonna be amazed at what you learn over the course of your build. Never stop asking questions tho!!!!!:)
You're gonna be amazed at what you learn over the course of your build. Never stop asking questions tho!!!!!:)

Yeah sometimes I feel like I ask to many simple questions but growing up I lived with all girls so I never had a chance to learn all the basic tool techniques etc!!!!!

So thanks everyone for being patient and helpfull!

I got this accomplished today, tomorrow is going to be the BEND day!
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Trust me, we're not laughing. The only difference between between experienced builders and inexperienced builders is that the experienced builders don't admit how long it takes to do some of this stuff :)
I was there once!


I had an uncertain start - I believe it took me three goes to get this part right. I took 12 months to build the empennage - I was short of funds and could not afford the risk of stuffing up too many parts. But I did just that anyway.

One thing i learned was that there are some skills that you can pick up if you are prepared to spend some time with someone who is a real expert in the art of RV manufacture. Believe me these skills and the confidence boost will halve you build time. I learned this too late.

If at all possible take yourself to one of the empennage build workshops, and build under some expert guidance. You will learn the tool to use, and how to use it efficiently. You don't have to reinvent the work process.

As a previous poster said - the tool to use here is a bandsaw. Total time to manufacture this part should be no more than an hour.

My own RV mentor and teacher has no files in his toolkit, well none worth using. The process goes markup, drill relief holes, bandsaw, deburr with the scotchbright wheel, bend and you're done.

Living with girls has most likely given you the very best skill you will need - patience and perseverance.

Good luck and have fun.
....Total time to manufacture this part should be no more than an hour....

Enjoy the build, it is a lot of fun. As you progress, don't overthink fluting and don't overthink deburring. Way too many builders waste too much time on those operations. As for Doug's claim of making that part in less than an hour...that is not bravado, it is a fact. If it took anyone much longer than an hour to fab up such a part in the paid production environment, it wouldn't be long before the boss would be showing that slow poke to the door. :eek:

I rarely use files and avoid their use when I can. That kind of hand labor is just too tedius. A bandsaw, a 12" bench sander and a couple of scotchbrite wheels mounted to a grinder make very short work of a lot of construction processes. For this particular job, I did use a pneumatic pencil grinder to cut in and polish the relief notches.

No one expects the first-time homebuilder to be as efficient as the average production worker but there is something to be said for working smarter rather than harder.

Trust me, we're not laughing. The only difference between between experienced builders and inexperienced builders is that the experienced builders don't admit how long it takes to do some of this stuff :)

Just made my 6 degree bends!!!!! And I didn't mess up at all!!!!!!!! And I won't say how long it took me.... O wait I'm not embarrassed to say 25 minutes.

seems those girls didn't teach you to tie up the laces on your shoes :D

Don't trip in your workshop - be safe :)

Those mocks are terribly hard to tie!!!!! Haha