
Now that I have the skin clecoed to the left side of the HS I'm wondering why the holes (that are prepunched in the skin) are not prepunched on the inboard flange of the HS702 (inboard of the404 and405). Didn't catch that and now I need to uncleco the skin to put a line on the center of the hs702 flange to locate it correctly. Hmmm. :(
My guess:

There's enough variability in how people bend the two doublers that you have to "take up the slack" somewhere. In this case, all of the outboard ribs/spar holes are prepunched, and all the inboard holes and doublers aren't. The inboard part of the spars and the inboard ribs will just find their own location where they want to be and the whole thing falls together without excessive stress on anything. Like I said...it's just a guess. :D
IIRC, I just lined the edge of the 702 with the edge of the skin and that made the rivet line centered.
I just drilled mine last night. With HS-404 in place and the fore and aft flanges at the proper angle, HS-702 will fit where it's supposed to go. Make sure that 702 is snug to the 404. Put a light behind 404 to see if there's a gap. With that done, I just drilled the holes and they came out almost exactly on center.

Hope that helps...
Take the skins off and draw the line

Webhead said:
Now that I have the skin clecoed to the left side of the HS I'm wondering why the holes (that are prepunched in the skin) are not prepunched on the inboard flange of the HS702 (inboard of the404 and405). Didn't catch that and now I need to uncleco the skin to put a line on the center of the hs702 flange to locate it correctly. Hmmm. :(

Take the time to take the skins off and draw the center line. It's a pain the butt but you'll be glad in the end when all of your holes have the proper clearance and you don't have to fabricate spacers to make the aft inboard ribs reach the rear spar. Trust me I speak from experience. I built two HS's and the expense to buy a second one. Not to mention the time you'll burn building two of them. Feel free to check out my site at www.rv8alog.com
Thanks guys. Just got back from Arlington but before I left I marked the prepunched holes on the 702 then pulled the skin back and made sure they was centered. Worked out okay. :)

I did wait until the end to drill the front flange of the 405 and rear flange of the 404. Lined up good. No edge distance problems.