
Well Known Member
I am on the road for a few days but I brought along a copy of my instructions and my small copy of dwg3 to read ahead while I am away from building. Looking at the horizontal stab front spar instructions and detail A-A I see reference to installing the four central flush head rivets of the HS-702 and the HS-810/14 facing aft. I also see the instructions to dimple the 702 and countersink the 810/814 which suggest that the manufactured head will be on the 702 and the shop head on the 810/14 Do I have that correct? I am still getting used to the way the instructions are written so I am just making sure I understand it.

I did a search and saw a number of threads regarding a bend relief on the HS-702. Many of them came from 7/7A builders. I see nothing in my 8 instructions about making a relief after bending nor can I find any reference on the plans. Am I supposed to relieve or not?

Questions, I got questions. :D
Yes and Yes

Went through that not long ago myself with the same questions. Manufactured head on the 702, and you need bend relief.
I didn't make a bend relief and many other -8 builders sites have no mention of it. I wouldn't worry about having the relief either way....having it is fine I suppose but not having it is also fine, IMO.

As far as shop head and manufacturer head, it doesn't make a huge difference. Whatever way is easier to set. The rule of thumb I use is the manufactured head holds the thinner material and the shop head holds the thicker material.

You can learn a lot by reading over other builders logs too!