
I'm New Here
I'm at the point where I need to put the bend in the pair of HS-702s. I am unclear about how much to trim away on the flange. The drawing says to maintain minimum edge distance but that hole isn't there and won't be for awhile. How much do I take off? Is this to clear the rib that will be added soon? I can't think of any other reason to trim that material away. Thanks.


Before the sb came out I think this wasnt trimmed and the most inboard hole was riveted together with the skin and rib. The newer design has you trim this away so the spar does not connect to the rib in this location.

The way I did this trim was to cleco the spar to the skin then mark the hole locations on the spar using the skin as a guide. Then you can see where the hole will end up and make your trim cut. Make sure you leave min edge distance plus some just in case the spar is slightly off in actual assembly from where you marked it
I'm at the point where I need to put the bend in the pair of HS-702s. I am unclear about how much to trim away on the flange. The drawing says to maintain minimum edge distance but that hole isn't there and won't be for awhile. How much do I take off? Is this to clear the rib that will be added soon? I can't think of any other reason to trim that material away. Thanks.

There's no rush, Tim. You can always save the trimming for when you are more sure of where that hole is going to be.
I just did this on a -8 I'm repairing and what the other guys said is correct. Do the bends and everything else but leave the trimming until you fit the spar and transfer that hole location. Then trim it before final assembly. Van's instructions seem to be a bit unclear on this.

And yeah, the trimming is the result of the spar SB. I don't know if the latest kits drill that last inboard hole in the skin, but if they do you'll have an empty hole to fill.

It might be worth downloading the SB and reading through it quick. This will make a lot more sense then.

Relief notch

The other spot builders find troublesome are the two relief notches in each spar.
Start by marking the location but center punch for the hole right in the center of the vertex between flange and web. Drill a tiny hole and enlarge short of the recommended dimension. You can always file more but you can't add metal back.