
I'm New Here
Hi All

I would like to say hi to everybody, been a long time lurker (several years) and have finally taken the plunge.

Anyway I have a question about the HS-609PP and about polishing them to a satin finish as stated in the plans. Mine came with what looks like machine drag marks on the face.

Are these scratches (small gouges) something I can buff out or should I be contacting the vans?

Hi Aime and welcome!

I had similiar marks in my HS609PP and I just used the scotchbrite wheel and smoothed it out.

Good luck with your build. I'm expecting my wing kit to be here in teh first week of April.

Have you looked at to see other builders sites for tips and such?


Hi Aime,

I did mine a couple of days ago. While they looked horrible, they cleaned up very nice. Mine did not have those kind of marks on them though. BTW, how's Edmonton these days? Used to go up to Cold Lake all of the time.

Cheers and good luck