Fred G

I'm New Here
Ok guys looking for help. I just began my project and when riveting the rear spar bars to the spar channel the plans state to use rivet AN470ad4-6. It appears that this rivet is short. I set the rivet and used the gauge and it fits for the -3 but not -4. Am I doing something wrong or am I measuring wrong. The plans specifically state that the rivet call out is correct (as if they know that this will be questioned. It seemed to be the same way when I set the VA 146 rivets as well. Please help.
I didnt quite get it either. They tell you in the plans that they choose to use shorter rivets and they are "adequate" for the use there but they will at least in my experience never pass the rivet checker guage. the ones with the hinge brackets call for -7 and should be an -8 in my opinion.
I didnt quite get it either. They tell you in the plans that they choose to use shorter rivets and they are "adequate" for the use there but they will at least in my experience never pass the rivet checker guage. the ones with the hinge brackets call for -7 and should be an -8 in my opinion.

Traditional/Industry standards are for use when there is no specific call-out from the manufacturer - or the plans in our case.

If Vans says it is OK in this specific location then "violating" the 1.5D/0.5D rule is completely acceptable.
Rivet length

I bought 6.5 length rivets. Having a good inventory of 1/2 length rivets will save you a lot of grief complying with the industry standard.