Adam Oke

Well Known Member
Well, I figured it would come sooner than later. Sure enough it occurred at the particular spot that I thought it would.

Working on the left horizontal stabilizer.

Be sure that the front flange of HS-405, HS-702, HS-801-1, HS-814-1 and the aft flange of HS-404 are pulled up tight. Re-clamp the upper and lower flanges of HS-404 to HS-801PP. Drill the HS-405 to HS-702 to HS-810-1 or HS-814-1 to HS-404 inboard rib attach holes. Use the holes previously pilot drilled to #40 in the forward flange of HS-405 as a drill guide (See SEC D-D). It is best to use an angle drill for this step, but a long drill bit will work.

I used a right angle drill attachment. The reinforcement angles edge distance is ok. But I blew it on the HS-404 flange.

The holes are both approximately 0.184 and 0.173 from edge to hole centre. What do you think?


*fingers crossed* Someone please say build on. :(
Yea, those are a bit too much under 2D edge distance. If it were mine, I'd re-flange the rib, back drill though the spar web into the new rib flange,....and then build on.

I've had to do this a few times. It isn't a big deal.
It looks like your rib may have slipped outboard a bit, I can see some blue plastic peeking out by your clamp. That is a tricky hole to place.

Not quite relevant, but I drilled from 404 backwards into 405 so I didn't have to be concerned with the vertical edge distances. (Can't miss the middle on 405) I did end up kinda close to the bend in 405 using an angle drill kit.

Talk to Van's if you want to see if its usable. Making a new flange would be the safe route if you want to keep going.

Or order a new's a $9.36 part. Like it never happened vs. a repair job.

Have Van's throw some other stuff in the box that you know you'll need so the shipping isn't such a big bite.

All 3 ideas are good

Yea, those are a bit too much under 2D edge distance. If it were mine, I'd re-flange the rib, back drill though the spar web into the new rib flange,....and then build on.

I've had to do this a few times. It isn't a big deal.

All the suggestions so far will work for you. If you decide to cut off the offending flange, I've already posted regarding making repair "scab" flanges to fix this sort of thing. See

Charlie Kuss

Yep, the edge distance is a bit close on the HS-404, but I would still fly with it. The important spec here is on the HS-814-1 which looks great. That is where he major portion of the load path is being transmitted.

The 2 rivets attaching the HS-404 are not really carrying all that much load, but more just holding that part in position. I would continue building and use the assembly as completed so far.


Joe Blank
Builder Support
Vans Aircraft Inc.
[email protected]

I will build on for now. I will see what else I need on the "shopping list" from Van's as I continue building and learning. When it comes time to riveting I will either stick with it, or order a new one. It depends how much it bugs me. Either way its safe to say I can leave it as is.

Thanks for all the input.
Cool, glad you got the okay from Van's.

The next part I had to watch out for was R-710. Trim it about an 1/8" larger than the trim detail on DWG 7. I'm also a member of the 2 trim tab club. :)