
I'm New Here
How in the world do I file this to size ?
Also, does anyone have a jig they're done with and want to get rid of ?
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I bandsawed mine to rough shape. Cut it close to the line and go slowly. Be careful! Then I used a Vixen file (I prefer the fine-tooth side) to smooth it. That leaves a pretty good surface, but a fine mill file did the rest.

This general process works an a lot of RV-3B parts.

A belt sander with a 100 grit or a fine-grit blade will do if a Vixen file isn't available, but the Vixen is the tool to have. I use mine a lot. If you don't have a band saw you can use a cut-off wheel but it'll take longer and might overheat the bar. I'd regard the band saw, Vixen file and fine mill file as the tools of choice.

Dave Paule
RV-3B, now skinning the fuselage
Layout your rivet line and locations before you cut out the part. Double check edge distances etc... I ruined mine after spending a bunch of time on cutting out the part not doing that.
HS-303s and HS-307s rivet line #30 drilled; #40 upsize drilling done and parts primed and drying.
Riveting next.
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