

ACE, thank's for the response. I decided to reach in and simply squeeze the parts to see if they were going to reach. The fell into place perfectly.

Never mind.........DOH!


Help guys, or I'm going to lose an entire weekend work day. Even if I lose the day, I still need some help.

RV-10, HS 1016 Web Stiffener, Page 8-9, Step 3 (Plan Date 9/17/03)

When I cleco in the web stiffener (HS 1016) that fits between the two inspar ribs, it seems like it is too short. There seems to be about 1/4 inch gap on each end. When I look ahead and see that I'm supposed to rivet those to the inspar ribs, there's no way its going to work with that 1/4 gap on either end. Everything else in the entrie HS fits perfectly, and yes, I have the inspar ribs turned the right way, and as far as I can tell, the stiffener is installed correctly under the stringers.

I can't seem to get the **** picture posted so you can see what I'm talking about, so I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible.
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ribs not parallel

The two ribs that the 1016 attatch to are not parallel. they are closer together to each other at the rear spar than at the front spar. when you put the 9 degree bend in the flanges on step 2 on 8-1, it was for this reason.
I measured mine at just over 9 inches.(hard to be exact with it installed.) If your's is around 9 inches, you are fine, just cleco them together. It will come together. look at the angle on the inboard side of your skins.I hope this helps you,

Ace #40567