Steve N.

Well Known Member
I having trouble with the front spar assembly. The HS-00005 rib doesn't fit with the HS-00003 doubler clecoed in place. It seems to be about 1/16" too long. It will just barely go in with the doubler removed. Did I miss something?

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I remember this. I have a photo that is same as your photo angle. See If I can add. But I remember this. This was one of those task of a bunch of 2 steps forward one step back to properly "MATCH DRILL" everything. It's a sequence issue. Go back through the instructions and go in order. If I recall properly, you have to get the skeleton all drilled up. The slack, even though it doesn't seem like it, the slack is actually in the skin. But it is a proper sequence to gain that slack. You have to do the skeleton, ribs and stuff, then add the skin in...IN THE JIG....thats the important part. And cleo from the tip of all the ribs tot he aft end. It should go in then. So, get all the skelton holes fitted, reamed, then set skin in the jig, and then drop in the skelton structure. Then cleco and clamp. See if I can share my photo.
Again, its a sequence thing, this task is.
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It seems to me that there is still some space available forward between the rib and the forward spar assembly. May be you need to re look at the forward spar flange trim and trim it a bit more?
No space available, the rib is bowed which moves the ends of the flanges away from the spar webs.

I will disassemble and try again taking extra care to follow instructions.

Problem solved. Turns out if you place the HS-00006 nose rib in first it will push the forward spar back just enough that the HS-00005 rib will not fit. That also misaligns the HS-801PP skin rivet holes with the center line on flange on the forward spar. Many thanks go to my friend that had the brilliant idea of marking a rivet hole on the flange then lift the skin to see where the hole was in relation to the flange center line. It was then obvious that the spar had been moved by the nose rib.
Glad you got it figured out. Just a tip, study that cross section view MEGA well! There are a couple of holes that have to be pretty much spot on before you drill them. It was insanely easy to make a mistake in this area.